Can Dreams Tell You Something?

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Dreams come from the subconscious, bringing to the surface that which has been recorded but which you may not be consciously aware of. For this reason, understanding, interpreting and learning from your dreams can truly help you in moving forward into greater happiness, fulfillment and empowerment.

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I read the book by Edgar Cayce, Dreams, your magical mirror, and it reminds me of a lot you are saying. Sometimes my dreams are so real, I was upset all day. Other dreams I've had were just the opposite. I'm fine all day. They say to try to remember your dream and you can analyze them in your life. Listen with your heart is correct.


you are my favorite youtuber! thank you for everything 💘


I’ve just found your channel and I subscribed it. I truly enjoyed of watching your videos 👌


Focusing on the heart tecknique is so powerful that sorry i cant stop commenting on your videos, By using this tecknique one becomes so mentally strong that one cant give a toss what someone else thinks about them or ignore It is a very powerful tecknique that can change or effect someone's life... By using this tecknique one becomes full of himself... Keep up your good work by making this kind of videos....👌👌👌😘😘


I personally believe in the power of positive thinking, dreams can be challenging, I always turn a negative dream into positive, higher self thinking will rise a person up, focus on something nice, I recommend as book by Susan Jefferson called a little book of confidence, it cost a few pounds on Ebay, God bless you aliki 🕯


Thank you Aliki Hoidas for this video and for the rest of your channel


Your dreams are your conscious mind when you awaken in that environment but because it is hours of our conscious life in another environment means we are constantly performing thousands of tasks that we may not be aware we are captured of doing like play piano.There are stories passed down that speak of many possible things but such a focus will allow you to see what others don’t and that means only you are going to need to find that rare person who will even be understand what you are talking about so take care be careful and plan ahead rarely.


Thank you for the video!

And thank you for replying to my comment in the last one about my dream.

now after watching this one I really feel in my heart that she does miss me from seeing her crying in my dream..

She broke up with me three and a half months ago but she could be regretting it now I've been respecting and keeping my distance I only respond to her texts or calls politely..

I guess it won't hurt to reach out and ask how she's doing..

She keeps in touch about every couple weeks but it's very quick and feels distant.

But like I said in this dream I had of her after meditating, the dream was very lucid and I was there and my heart really felt her pain.. my heart is telling me to contact her but I'm scared as well .

I was devastated after our break up

I guess I'll keep my distance if I notice she still doesn't spark while I speak to her.

I've been doing a lot of self-love meditation before I go to bed and after I get up in the morning

That has been helping alot.

Thank you again!

And your cat is so funny playing in the background lol!


I dreamed the woman I like worked in a shoe shop, and I was buying shoes from her. It was as though I didn't know her, but still had a feeling of attraction to her.


For over a year, I can't stop thinking about my ex's late chihuahua, Papi. I haven't seen or spoken to my ex in over a year. I wonder why that is.


Very nice ☺ I saw in dream that my wish comes true what does that means ? Is it will be really true or not plz tell me


Wut if my ex is n my dreams sometimes, alway wanted her back


As soon as you said "I'm here to upgrade your energy" is when i decided you were not the person for me. Bye
