Which Weapon fits your Playstyle? - Monster Hunter World

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Ready to try a new weapon, or are you just starting this game? This video will help you choose the weapon that is best for you! I talk about how each of the 14 weapon classes feel and play like in a nutshell.



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Finally! After 700 hours of playing this game I can now choose a weapon!


*calls insect glaive technical*
Me picking up the insect glaive first thing: hahahaha helicopter goes


How ironic that for being so similar, the Switch AXE becomes a blade and the Charge BLADE becomes an axe


I've used a lot of weapons, but the Hammer has found me. The weapon legitimately feels like boxing. Landing those big hits while weaving until the monster is knocked out, allowing you to wail on the monster until it's back to trading blows. The hammer is the truth, the light, and the way.


Insect glaives also have the responsibility to mount monsters to open up opportunities to KO them


I started off using the Lance but felt the need to drop dps and switched to the Bloodborne axe. Was fienting more than usual so moved on to the glaive for dmg and mobility. Now I'm on the heavy bowgun. My point is monster hunter is game of the year.


There's a mistake at 7:10 where it is indicated under Switchaxe that it "morphs to a shield." I assume this bit of information was meant to go under Charge Blade.


I know the ideal fight with the insect glave is supposed to be on the ground but I've always found the air fights to be far better off with far better results.
1- You're not tripping your allies or being tripped by your allies.
2- You're able to focus parts of the targets better than chasing them on the ground
3- You can dodge some nasty ground level attacks by simply not being on the ground. Bazel bombs, tremors, ground covered in poison or lava.
4- You can escape from a monster's more easily if you're airborne

Sure, you're not getting the ideal damage but I've found that I've been able to attack more frequently, for longer.


Roll fast - hits hard - break skulls.

Hammer is for me!


I tried dual blades first, surprisingly I didn't enjoy them.
So I tried insect glaive, couldn't make too many of the moves work, I was horrible at it.


4:55 i can hear the angry hh mains already


As an SnS main, I agree with the SnS assesment on how its reach is pretty bad but on the damage ceiling part, the beauty of it is the very fast attack speed and that you're surpirsingly very hard to hit if you use the falling shield bash combo which means less time healing which means more time DPS's-ing. Also, the falling shield bash combo does great damage where 1 combo (if all the hits connect) does almost the same damage as a fully charged lvl 1 GS attack, add to the fact that it's super quick to pull off, you have a DPS that can hold its own.


Lancer here; I wanna follow up this by saying the lance is more like a really big rapier. Yes, it’s got the guarding and tanking, but I would say it’s actually better defined by the hopping around it does and its precision, acting more like a fencer that gives no ground than a true tank, though it can totally function that way if needed.


Another thing of note is the sword and shield can perform aerial/mounting attacks easily while also being able to guard. It can also do cutting damage with the sword and KO damage with shield attacks. It also has a fast multi hit combo that can buildup status really quickly but it also has a heavy hitting combo that conserves sharpness. Sword and shield is the most versatile weapon in the game and no matter what you are trying to do or whatever status you are trying to cause the sword and shield can hold its own and contribute to the buildup.


As a gunner player I say we always have reserve crafting materials and we don't just shoot monsters randomly since there are 3 diffent types of shots/ammo to consider and we need to calculate our distance depending on what shots/ammo our weapons deal since they will be less effective in different distance. :-)


to add info for the Switch Axe. it's playstyle relies on being very aggressive and requiring good positioning as well as maintaining your sword meter. If you run out of meter you will automatically switch back to axe mode in a lengthy animation. While you are using Axe mode your sword meter will recharge. Dealing dps with the switch axe involves you building up this amped state that you reach by attacking while in sword mode while maintaining the sword mode's meter by switching back and forth between axe and sword mode. When in an amped state you can discharge your weapon into the monster. This will continuously deal small amounts of damage if you continue pressing the attack button until it detonates for big damage. However one should only use this if your amped state is about to run out (seen by the icon flashing red) or if the monster starts to run away.

attacks you should take note of:

axe mode
triangle plus circle/ Y+B (this has good vertical reach for when a monster's head or tail is above you)
Circle into R2/RT (the transition attack into sword mode from this particular attack deals a very high amount of damage. this should be used to switch back to sword mode for high damage numbers. With proper positioning it's possible to use this attack as a wake up attack option for a sleeping monster although the spacing is difficult)

sword mode: triangle plus circle/Y+B (this is your weapon discharge. it will deal a very high amount of damage when it detonates however it is lengthy if you continue to press traingle/y. Downside is that after using this attack is you will be stuck in a long recovery animation and knocked back. it will also take alot of sharpness from your weapon. Should really only be used when your amped state is about to run out)


i love the switchaxe, gunlance, lance, insect glaive and the hammer and i still cant say which one i love the most after 400hours


Ive been through 3 or 4 monster hunters and I still don't know what to main.


With the Charge Blade, you use your attacks to charge up your phials (it's just a meter) and once your phials are full you perform a special move to store the charges, doing so will grant your attacks more damage in the form of elemental damage (I've personally found the charge blade to be a nice 'all around' weapon and is easier to use than it seems).
Also with the Heavy Bowgun, you can equip modification to enhance it, and one of said modifications is a shield to compensate for the slower movement.


There's no such thing as a low damage weapon class in MH, low damage per hit sure but not over the course of an entire hunt. The beauty of the sns is that you can stick to a monster like glue and be continually damaging it, there's no stopping the pain train with the sns!
