Has Francis Chan Gone Apostate, Catholic, or Both?

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Just something I’m beginning to learn. Don’t waste your time arguing with people who don’t want truth. Only God can change their heart/ mind. Sometimes it’s better just to keep quiet and pray.


“Bad company corrupts good morals.” 1st Corinthians 15:33


We came out of the Word of Faith movement/law of attraction/ prosperity
Movement.. God plucked us out praise God. Let me tell you it is so easy to get sucked into false teaching. It’s everywhere. I loved this guy and especially his teaching on helping the poor. I’m saddened if he’s becoming a NAR pastor.
Spencer- please reach out to this man. He’s open to listening to people- I’ve heard him say this. This man literally sold most of what he owned and gave it to the poor and moved into a trailer. Let’s pray for him!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻


This really ruined my day, Francis Chan was the one person who I thought was one of the last good pastors, he is the one person who really opened my eyes to Jesus Christ 😔😔😔


Love your directness in teaching! That Mr Chan was so sincere about being so wrong. It’s really sad.


The first time I saw him I got a really "off" feeling. I couldn't explain why he seemed so fake. I wondered if this "off" feeling was the Holy Spirit warning me. Now I've learnt to trust these feelings, because they turn out to be correct each time. Just like right now


As a Protestant, I'm pretty sure that 1500-ish years of church history does point to viewing the bread and wine as something like the literal body and blood of Christ. Luther was pretty adamant on the issue - he supposedly carved something like "Hoc est enim corpus meum" on a wooden table with a knife while he and other Reformers were debating the issue. Calvin and some others also thought it to be way more significant than just a symbol. And the early church fathers (before real Roman Catholicism), taught by the apostles, at least in their own words, seemed to be pretty literal about it, and they seemed to count those who did not regard communion literally as heretics. That is not to say that I am certain regarding their positions on the issue. Just pretty sure about what they said.
Basically, Baptists and charismatics are the only existing identifiable groups who have, in forms of official doctrine, thought otherwise. Baptists, as we know them, came about in the 1600's. Is anyone here able to name any other relatively theologically upstanding groups in history who have differed? Spencer here said that Chan's claim about communion was a lie, but I don't think it is. Spencer didn't cite a single alternative. He just said that the Catholics burned the alternative records. If they did, how would he know about them? That's like those who argue that things like the alternative "gospels" of Judas and Thomas should be canonized. If God is sovereign, He will preserve the truth among and for those who love Him/whom He loves, like He has with the Bible and many great theological works.

Much love to all here.


Gracious God, help me to know the joy and strength of Christ's love, that I may become more and more like Him each day, and share His love with others. Amem.


Thx Spencer keep us allways informed.
Love your work.
I pray for you and for protection.


I believe that the NAR movement is leading the way to the coming of the anti-christ and his false prophets. It's happening so fast. Maranatha


"men go wrong in their fellowships before they go wrong in their doctrine"


When francis dressed as a girl to make people laugh in a video that he played in his church years ago I dropped him. That was a few seconds in that video. It was not about his doctrine yet... but that alone was a red flag. The devil is in the details.


I don't think Francis Chan is an apostate, you took this sermon out of context. I believe what he was trying to do is remove himself as the main character. I think so many people put pastors on a pedestal and look to them instead of getting into their word. He's trying to remove pastors from that pedestal, they are just like everyone else God gives them a gift of speaking and teaching that's all he was trying to say. You're looking at this the wrong way he may have been wrong about some of the history I don't know, but everyone makes mistakes. Catholicism wasn't the road he was going down it was quit making pastors the center of your world it's about the Word of God, Yashua!


If Chan is becoming Catholic, Then he is leaving Apostasy


Wow cancel culture has seeped into everything. The contradiction you made where you said he was thought provoking in his story about how a man felt more loved by his gang than the church so he left, then in his next few mins he says he could never hug Todd white the way Francis did. Aren’t we commanded to love our enemy? Sometimes it’s good to pick out the plank in our own eye.


this news broke my heart. Yet, thankyou for sharing this to us.


Finally some one speaks out what preachers don't say, thanks spencer


I pray for you Francis Chan, you are close to home..👏👏


You are more off base in your history than Chan is in his theology. communion was long before Paul was preaching. The last supper. & 1Cor11:23-34


From my perspective Francis Chan is coming to home. Church is waiting for him and all our separate brothers and sisters.
There's only one catholic and apostolic Church.
Amazing that a protestant has enough humility to accept the truth. God bless him
