10 Things You Need to 'Leave Behind' in Retirement

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This video discusses the 10 things you need to "leave behind" in retirement. The video examines the beliefs and values from the past that hold back a retiree from having the best retirement possible. Most importantly, the video shows that with a little focus and the right retirement mindset, most people can dramatically improve the quality of the next phase of their life.

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Should You Take Social Security at Age 62 and Invest it?

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Average Retirement Savings by Age 60. Are You Almost Ready to Retire?!?

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3 Social Security "Little Known Facts" That Are REALLY Important

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Recently, I've been pondering retirement, unsure if my 401(k) and IRA will provide a stable future. I've also put $800K into the stock market, encountering fluctuations with limited gains. i need an approach that will align with my risk tolerance and financial goals


Good list. Only thing I would add is to leave behind regrets. We got to retirement, but many who wanted to didn’t. Let’s try to embrace it with as much gratitude as possible.


# 13 Leave behind the people you never really got on with - as life at this stage is definitely too short


Retirees who struggle to meet their basic needs are the ones who could not accumulate enough money during their active years to meet their needs. Retirement choices determine a lot of things. My parents both spent same number of years in the civil service, but my mom was investing through a wealth manager, and my dad through the 401k. My mom retired with about 4.2 million, but my dad retired with roughly 1.8 million.


Freedom from all debt cannot be overstated. It gives you a feeling you haven’t had since a kid! 😊


Thank you. Just what I needed to watch.
My wife and I are directors of our farm business and own property, plus small pensions. I am nearly 55, my wife is 52.
We have started to save to retire from the farm, and possibly live on rental income, I'd really appreciate you go LIVE and talk about how to earn passive income online and retire comfortably, let’s say $1M.


Been practicing this all my life. I’m 66, retired and debt free. House paid for, 2019 car paid for. All I owe is death and taxes.


I would like to add one more thing to your excellent list. Everything you own (or buy) will have to be disposed of when you die. After dealing with both my parents and my sister's stuff after they died (not all at once) I vowed to NEVER leave that task to my son. I've told him to take what he wants and Goodwill the rest. And the only "stuff" I now buy is from estate sales (pennies on the dollar) and only what I truly need to survive. Period.


Great advice. I just retired at the age of 58 100% debt free including my mortgage and it gives me great peace. I would add to get you home in the best shape you can possibly afford prior to retirement so you don’t have those expenses while your on a fixed income. We got a new roof, HVAC replaced, new water heater, garage and exterior doors replaced. Our windows are in great shape so we didn’t replace those. I have an emergency fund and am saving money to replace my car when the need arrives.


I realized that the secret to making a million is making better investment. I always tell myself you don't need that new car or that vacation just yet and that mindset helps me make more money


In my opinion, I think "stress" should be left behind.


I like the part about giving up the “Climb.” I do not want to be around competitive people now in retirement. I have no interest in joining an HOA, or anything else that brings out that part of people that I couldn’t wait to get away from.


Leave behind renovating, unless you just enjoy that sort of thing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Be happy with what you have. You won't have to put up with it much longer anyway.


This was comforting.... I just retired this week, and had to laugh at some of it... it is wonderful. Your videos helped me get to where I am right now, thank you! I hope you make lots of money on here, because I know many are being helped too!


Been retired for over 6 years now. The only thing I changed is that I no longer go to work. Instead, I do what I want any time I want. I spent 40 plus years planning for the day I would no longer need to go to work. Not only haven't I given up anything, I've added a few new things. The single most important thing you can do is to save enough money that you no longer need to worry about money.


Thurston Howell III! Oh, you are making me laugh! Right on for those of us who grew up on this. I am 63 and took SSN early. I lost everything in the stock market during COVID. I was a multi-millionaire. This just snuck up on me. I was retired since the age of 40. Now I am begging for a part time job ANYWHERE. This is so not happening. I have put all of our charges in a spreadsheet and have shaved off as much as my little charmed life will allow. One thing we also did was to build a 2-bedroom high-end apartment in the basement. We charge traveling nurses $2000 per month to rent. This has helped us so much. I remembered that when my grandmother went through the Depression, she had boarders. So I finished the luxury apartment accordingly. If you have the means to share your home to traveling professionals, it's a great way to get a big chunk of expenses paid - AND - I do very little with it as far as management goes so I think I qualify as passive income which does not hurt my SSN earnings.


Good list. I am retired and have been for a few years and I am now Dept Free except for living costs when I tell my friends and family that I am debt free most cannot believe it and yes one thing to leave behind is regretting...Retirement is a new chapter in your life and I love reading the comments here gives me more ideas to help others love this channel...


Knowing when to start to de-clutter. Having to be part of cleaning out my wife's parents house of 60 years of organized hoarding made me want to start on our 35 years of crapola. Need to make room for all their stuff we need to save for our kids.


You leave behind your focus on accumulating money, but start to focus on how much time you have and your health takes on more priority.


1) Never "sport shopped" 2) Clothes don't make you look good, , your level of fitness does 3) Let your kids make financial mistakes and don't bail them out 4) Keeping up with the Jones' will never provide satisfaction 5) Find contentment in what you already have 6) The top-floor corner office was never worth it 7) Take risks in relationships that benefit others 8) Unless you can afford a housekeeper, smaller is better 9) Pursue activities that cost very little (exercise, reading, learning an instrument, volunteering) 10) Appreciating debt=okay; $100k pickup truck=not okay.
