What Is Happiness? - An Extremely Advanced Definition Of Happiness

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What Is Happiness - If you come to accept and live this definition of happiness you can permanently end all suffering, forever!

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Video Summary:
At a deep level, happiness is an elusive state that few actually achieve. What we typically mistake for happiness is actually just excitement as a result of external stimuli. There's certainly no shortage of stimuli in our world today. We have literally become addicted to the elevated mood we get from daring feats, exceptional food, an absorbing movie, or cruising the internet. When that thrill is over, we are already hungering for the next.

Our ego encourages us to stay on this unending roller coaster ride of highs and lows, telling us that's just the nature of life. In truth, we've become creators of the drama in our life on which we're now hooked. Devoid of stimulation, our body goes into withdrawal much like that of an addict. Our minds have grown lazy with all the easy thrills, and we've distorted the arc of our life with all these cheap diversions.

Unfortunately, true happiness is an inside job. To find it, we must first unplug and seek it. Meditation and deep contemplation will shrink the ego's influence so that we can find inner peace.
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"All of man’s troubles stem from his inability to sit alone, quietly, in a room for any length of time"
- Blaise Pascal


"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way." My favorite quote of all times.


I've been a Zen Practisioner for over 15 years and you hit the mark in this video. This video is a good reminder for everyone that we should stop chasing after things and not seek mental stimulation. Happiness equals peace, calmness, and contentment.


If you liked this video, be sure to watch my related videos:
1) How To Feel Happy - Scientifically Proven Ways of Creating Lasting Happiness
2) Positive Thinking - The Key To Thinking Positive
3) Optimism - How To Become Optimisitic Right Now
4) Why Am I Depressed? - The Truth Behind Depression and How To Break Free
5) How To Feel Good - How To Re-Create Your Life So It Makes You Feel Amazing


This video is definitely one of your most important videos. Thank you for everything Leo, you literally changed my life.


you have saved my life Leo ....you have no idea how much this is clicking.... I have been searching for this truth my entire life.... without even knowing it....I was subconsciously aware that there was something I was missing.... something that "didn't quite add up" I can't even explain it, but I can see in you that even though I don't have the words or form of communication to explain, that you understand, because you feel it too...


Happiness isn't a thing, it's an emotion we attach to the experience of some thing. I believe most people just want to feel alive and that their life is a worthwhile life lived.


Dear Leo, i am 15 years old and have been observing the world around me since i could walk. I want to thank you for showing almost exactly the same thoughts that I have about life to the world. Thank you very much.


This definitely changed my life. I've believed these concepts for so long but I never could articulate it as well as you did. Incredible and so poignant.


I have been doing this recently, sitting for two hours. I think have become addicted to the stimulation of doing it. 


Hey, Leo
I don't know if you'll see this message, but I want to thank you for taking the time to share your experience and your kind thoughts! Keep up the great work! Thank you, Leo!


I am a life coach and I believe peace, calm and content is truly the extremely advanced definition of happiness..Leo is right..Also Leo is right by saying what we typically mistake for happiness is actually just excitement..A great video..Thank you Leo


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when i stop meditating my life began a rollercoaster but before that i had pace and control of my feelings nothing can disturb my peace ...now i'm starting again ..and you are 100% right ..love your videos ..dont ever stop


This very bright video can be summed up in the words of miss stacie orrico, who's got a song that also acts as a proof that pop music can have a lot of meaning behind the lyrics: "there's gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me".
i completely agree with every single word in this video, and i find it funny how much i've progressed spiritually within the last year- a year ago i might've not been able to understand any of this. but now i do. the happiest i've been in a while was a few months ago when i found the happiness within me, that glowing serenity, that sense of "being" rather than "becoming"... and it felt like TRUE happiness, because it wasn't dependent on anything external...nothing at all. it was just sheer gratitude for existing. best feeling ever.


This video hits me hard. I am a stimulus junkie hard core. Movies and music and road trips and buying stuff, alcohol and smoking, the best food I can afford. I chase that cheese hard my friend! This video made me sob like a bitch.


i was talking to a friend about the same concept that life is not a roller coaster
and he said dude if you are always happy then you got something fucked up in you...
after that i came here and im really glad i saw this video.


Earlier today I said "best yet" but now Even Better, and a great idea sitting quietly and watch yourself, from this we'll all learn so much more...


Being unhappy is something we learnt after our birth.


I think your distinction between excitement and happiness made an awful lot of sense, and made me realise the things that I thought made me genuinely "happy" are in fact just part of that never-ending chase for a high. Things wearing clothes that suit me, walking in the park and even spending time with my family are just pieces of cheese to use your metaphor.

I don't personally think that I'm bold enough to try and take away the hold that my ego has on my life, but nonetheless I feel enlightened having watched this video. Like you said, I know better now and will in future be able to recognise times when I am truly happy from when I am excited.
