Police SWAT leader guns down neighbor's dog, releases video to defend actions - Exclusive

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Warning: Some of the pictures in this report are disturbing.

#swat #dog #dogkilled #officer #police #caughtoncamera #abc7news
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Huck died because owners failed him on so many levels.


You cannot have a big dog like that if you're unable to control it.


These dog owners are nuts. It’s not okay for your dog to run around killing your neighbors livestock on your neighbor’s property.


The lady couldn't even handle the dog


I’ll never understand dog owners that just seen their dog get shot and then 1 HOUR LATER decide to take him to the vet. That’s messed up


I am a dog owner. LOVE every dog I’ve owned. But keep your d*** gates closed. “Huck has gotten out before.” I already guessed that.


I have owned and bred dogs for more than 30 years and this was all the dog owners fault.
They were clearly not fit to own a dog at all.
They had zero control of the dog and clearly didn't take it seriously enough to keep control of their dog.
And them waiting for 1 hour before driving the dog to a vet is just utterly disgusting.
Another proof of them not being fit to be dog owners.
And then they had the stomach to go public and tried to blame it all on the man that shot the dog...
These people give dog owners a VERY bad reputation and their lawyer is just a total joke with what she said and claimed.
The vet was "funny" as well when she said that the dog was hit in the back of the head, indicating it was shot from behind.
If that dog was shot from behind in the back of the head, then that dog would have died at once and not lived for more than an hour after getting shot.
This so called "police use of force expert" that is making a living of showing up in courts when someone wants to sue the police talked pure nonsense as well.
This story was so colored by ABC7 News Bay Area's ignorance and lack of both honesty and integrity from a news channel that is supposed to be objective and neutral.


What a biased report. “His two driveways have no gates” like it’s HIS job to keep THEIR dog from killing other animals


They left their dog laying there for an hour before they took him to the vet.


Why did they wait an hour to take him to the vet?


“I’m so sorry, i’ll replace the chickens”
The audacity you say that


The fact the cop put a dog skeleton prop in the spot he killed the dog is insane. Dudes a creep.


The "police use of force expert" is irrelevant because this was not a police use of force. The sergeant was not on dutey and was not acting in a law-enforcement capacity - he was acting as a citizen defending his chickens, and therefore police policy or procedure is irrelevant in these circumstances. His actions should be judged by the applicable laws and statutes in the way they would apply to any other citizen in the same situation.


Some people don't realize chickens are expensive the price has gone up every year some of mine are 100$ for a pair of hens and 1 rooster


Leave it to a lawyer to try and figure out how to blame the victim.


Honest question: why was Grandma chasing after the 50 ibs dog running wild?


I am a large aggressive breed dog owner and I firmly believe that if you are not in control of your animal with training and positive control you are directly responsible for the fallout of that animal. If my dog attacks another dog and the owner shoots my dog that is MY FAULT for;

A: not properly training my animal
B: providing an environment where I was not in full control of my animal.

Sad but true. If your dog hurts someone you are responsible, if someone has to protect their own animals from yours YOU are responsible.


Why are people demonizing this Officer….? This guys dog is not on a leash, running loose on the officers property and killing his chickens…. He has every right to put this dog down…..now they want to play the victim…. People are Stupid.


Clearly couldn't control their own dog


I have all rescue dogs for over 20 years. And my dogs have been attacked by off leash dogs all the time. Dogs are not human children, as much as we like to think they are. We must keep our dogs and cats under our control at all time or we suffer the consequences. Unfortunate for this dog, he paid the ultimate price for his owners being irresponsible on multiple occasions apparently.
