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Produced By One Islam Productions
By Abu Bakr Zoud


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Ever since i turned to listening to Quran recitations only, and asking Allah, 's guidance and trying to be a better muslim, i have automatically developed an aversion to or rather not drawn to music or craving music as i used to. I used to be immersed in it for hours. Same for watching movies and binging on series. I cannot really expain what i feel, only someone who has experienced this can understand what im saying that music has something that slowly takes you away from Imaan and gradually leads you to sin. It always clashes with my mood when i am feeling best in terms of faith, i feel no desire for music. And when i am weak in faith, i do not mind listening to and enjoying music. Definitely, there must be a strong reason why it is not permitted.


What led you into Hell Fire?
They will say: 'We were not of those who prayed.'” (Qur'an 74:42-43)
🌹Don't forget your five daily prayers 🌹


One of the best acts of ibadah that Muslim performs and many overlook is Thinking positively of Allah is meant Allah will respond when offering supplication (du‘aa’); thinking positively that He will accept one’s repentance when repenting; thinking positively that He will forgive when seeking His forgiveness; thinking positively that He will accept good deeds when doing them according to the prescribed conditions, believing strongly that His promise is true and His grace is abundant.

"One day your actions will visit you, so don't be surprised when you see them."

Your soul is a completed novel, yet you spend your time reading other people & wonder why you still haven’t found yourself.

Happiness was asked: where do you live?
It replied: in the hearts of those content with Allaah’s decree


I'm a Muslim from Ethiopia that lives in Canada, I play harmonica at the subway stations. I make fair money from it, however, after watching this video has already brought fear of playing music instruments or listening music. Allah eases hardships on all of us 🤲🏿 Aamiin


So true! on the occasion of the naming ceremony of my daughter, my in-laws insisted on the playing music and dancing which I was totally against but I was too weak to stop it but one of my mates stood up right in the middle of the crowd and started preaching that music is haram and forbidden and guess what? They labelled him an extremist, just like the Sheikh said. What's even more sad is that these were Muslims calling him that.


Please try to say astaghfirullah three times after each salah, may Allah forgive your sins, ameen♥️


The fact that we are discussing this is a sign in itself! NOW WE KNOW THE END IS NOT NEAR BUT HERE!! keep the ummah in yours duas!


Music gives depression,
Quran gives peace.


Indeed the notification of this video came to me at the perfect timing too, Allahu Akbar. May the opinion of all the scholars who preached to others that music is permissible be rejected, in shaa Allah.


everytime i listen quran or read i feel so calm


As a former musician and audio engineer.. it'll be a big sacrifice letting go of it. Though I have faith and also personally understand why it's Haram, the lifestyles of 'artists' have always been debauched in history. Especially today.

Music messes with our emotions and destroys inner contentment. It's a gateway to filth. It gets us to shut down our minds and enter trance states where we cannot resist sin as well.

It's for the better if we don't engage with it.


May Allah send infinite blessings upon Prophet Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) and His family and His friends. Ameen sum ameen <3


Music has become Haram because people couldn't behave. Drinking, Dancing/singing with wrong intentions, Committing adultery. If you play an instrument and keep it for yourself or your family, I don't see anything wrong with it. It starts to get wrong when you start singing and it starts spreading, building network and ending up in the Haram world. I don't have Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram or FaceBook. I never listen to the Radio and I rarely see Television.
May Allah SWT forgive me if I am wrong. 🤲🏼


I have suffered from a strange medical condition the last few years which left me unable to listen to music without severe pain and discomfort in one ear and one side of my head. The medical experts had no explanation whatsoever. I have often wondered if this 'curse' was in fact, a _blessing_ in disguise from the one God. I learned I was not dependent on music and that I could do without it- something I never thought possible. In fact, I would say it gave me something far better: time to study God. Instead of listening to music at night, I study holy books. I have experienced blessings ever since...


May Allah swt forgive our sins and accept our good deeds Aameen


Subhanallah 💙 music takes you to a fake (feeling) world! A'udu billah.


MachaAllah one of my favourite preacher Abu bakr Zaoud from Australia.


As Muslim Revert of 24 years I personally believe that music is Haram. I am not a Scholar of Fiqh so I really should not be discussing this subject. But, I'm American and it is hard for me to completely agree with music being Haram especially when the first time I noticed the word Allah and Islam was through Hip Hop during the mid 90s. It's influence was so positive that during HS we named our basketball team AFRICA Islam BROTHERS and none of us on that team were Muslims at that time! The seed was planted. It was watered a few years later after reading the Autobiography of Hajj Malik Shabazz. I finally took Shahada .my then GF told me, " u would be a good Muslim!" I read more and became a Muslim in Detroit.


Cannot commit zina is fine,
Cannot smoke is fine,
Cannot dring alchohol is fine,
Cannor watch p*rn is fine,
Cannot have boyfriend/girlfriend is fine,

But cannot listen to music/song is TOO MUCH for me...

I ve been coping with suicidal thoughts with musics and song...besides remembering allah or whatever ways in really helped me to go through a lot...

Sorry me.
