Understanding Sin and Mercy for LGBT

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Almost every aspect of this video is wrong. Yes, God’s mercy does triumph over his judgement, this is only if you repent and ask for forgiveness, which I guarantee you most people who are making this argument have not done.
And what she means by “heterosexual sin, ” she’s actually not talking about heterosexual sin, but sin done by heterosexuals, which Is not the same thing. Things like adultery and fornication are done by heterosexuals, they aren’t heterosexual sin. So heterosexuality isn’t a sin, it’s the people that are heterosexual that commit the sin. However homosexuality is a sin no matter what way you slice it. And by her own logic of saying sin is sin and that we shouldn’t use one to erase the other, she’s doing the exact thing in this video. She’s using other examples of sin to get you to look away from her sin.


Rainbow was his promise he will never destroy humanity again. The devil has perverted the rainbow


Saint Matthew 9:12-13
He heard this and said, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do.
Go and learn the meaning of the words, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’I did not come to call the self-righteous but sinners.”


Let’s not celebrate sin. Can we love people without celebrating sin? Yes indeed! Why would I celebrate sin (something that God hates and will judge once and for all) because he is Holy.


God freed me from pornography. I can’t even imagine the level of temptation that people with SSA go through, but all things are possible through Christ!


There is a reality of hell without turning away from/repenting of sin


I still have not heard you speak of Jesus. Anyone can say god and speak of any god. There is but one God though and if you exclude Jesus then you miss the point. You are right about all sin being against God but don't forget Jesus because without him we are all doomed to judgement against us.


The great this is that “There is no sin in heaven.”
You won’t see anything sinful. So don’t think you will be living the way you are here on earth as you are in heaven. Being homosexual is going against gods law.


I 100% agree with this. And I think this is what many Christians need to understand and as a Christian and as a bisexual I struggle with sexual sin all the time, whether that be male or female but mostly female. Like for instance somebody who covet or has lust towards somebody’s wife or a celebrity, that is sinful it’s not your fault that you have these feelings you don’t choose who you find sexually attractive but what you can change is you acting out on those feelings, and allowing that to be a part of your life and separate you from your relationship from Christ. Absolutely everybody maybe besides asexual people experience sexual desires and lust it’s wrong in any capacity. I don’t think that things like gay Deconversion therapy are affective actually I would say it’s sinful to try to pretend as if you don’t have same-sex feelings or attraction, because you’re just lying to yourself which is inherently sinful you should acknowledge your sexual sin and desires and trust in God to overcome it, rather than just try to ignore it or try to change an aspect of yourself what you can’t do. What are you do you have a problem with though cause I do think you’re speaking a little bit too general and you’re not emphasizing the gospel and Christ nearly enough.


Eve judged herself to be greater than the will of God. Pride separates us from Our Blessed Lord.


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ they need to reject sin so god can be close to them and they really don’t know what there missing how wonderful is the mercy, joy and happiness is being in god side convert and turn to god he is the way and the truth in his glory in heaven 😢🙏


Mercy is the extension of Justice. Without Justice, there is no mercy.


Yep, Steve Lawson was not allowed to continue in his role of pastor because of sexual sin. Sexual sin does not belong among professing Christians and there is no forgiveness for those who won't repent and abandon it. 1 Cor. 5 explains how we are to deal with sin in the church. We are to judge Christians only and keep the body of Christ pure.


In my opinion you can't wear their shirt and profess to be Catholic. That shirt represents their desire to act out their homosexuality AND to force everyone to submit. While they profess love and tolerance, quite often do we see them being violent against those who disagree with their lifestyle, in ALMIGHTY GOD'S NAME, OF COURSE. While promiscuity is sinful GOD allows a man and a woman courtship.


Wonderful and gentle way of explaining the truth❤


She us right Heterosexual premarital sex is a sin, homosexual desire is a sin too. Also being permissive of any sexuality is a sin. Both must do penance before receiving holy communion. I have a few friends who are devout Catholic who have been in a homosexual relationship for years, and because of their love for God, they are celibate.


The church is in a bad place right now. We do t hate gay people but under the law of god that he establish, you are to omit from receive the holy Eucharist sacrament . Unless you are not in a same sex relationship, then there are exceptions that are made . But you should always ask the Holy Spirit to heal your traumas and hurts. I don’t know how far you are in the faith and understand spiritual warfare, but please read about the “lost Identity “ Lucifer spirits and minions that are out i. The world so that you have a better understanding on how the catholic faith works .


Indeed understanding sin and mercy for heterosexual people.


Imagine that, a seven color rainbow. Reminds me of Noah's rainbow. Y'all remember that?


The Word of God is evident in its view of homosexuality. The most commonly quoted Bible verses are Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, which state that it is an abomination for a man to lie with another man as he would with a woman. In Romans 1:26-27, Apostle Paul says that homosexuality is contrary to God's natural order and results from rejecting God. Additionally, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists homosexuality as one of the sins that will prevent someone from entering the Kingdom of God. While the Bible is clear in its view of homosexuality, it is essential to remember that God loves all of his creation and offers forgiveness to those who repent and turn away from their sins.
