'Ahsoka Is Boring And Has No Emotion'

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She faced her Vader. She felt that she was doomed to follow in his footsteps but he set her free. Now we begin.


Thats no excuse for rigid/bad acting for each episode. You can still do character development without bad acting... Insane.


I literally didn’t notice she got happy. She seemed the same


Don’t forget that she had to exile herself from everyone she knew to protect the timeline


I was a little worried but come on, it’s Dave Filoni. He wouldn’t let us down. Give him Star Wars.


Being taken away from your home at 3 years old, going to war at 14, Losing almost every one of your friends at 19, decades later finding out your Mentor was a part of everything bad that happened to you and then having to fight him to live... that's gotta be some really traumatizing shit right there


he perfectly explained how a personality disorder is created


This might end up being the best Star Wars show


Episode 5 is the best episode in Ahsoka 💫


Character development is realizing im more powerful than before


I remember reading a comment yesterday. May need to paraphrase it: Doesn't matter how good these Disney+ SW series are, it still leads to the New Order, patricide, and green milk.

Yup. Why do the Sequel Trilogy have to exist? I said the same thing about the Prequels but at least Revenge of the Sith was good. ST makes the PT look like The Godfather Trilogy. Palpatine is still alive and he has a fleet of ships that will rise from underwater. His granddaughter is the new Luke but without the obstacles being a Jedi.

Disney should've just adapted the EU/Legends stories. Before The Force Awakens, I was wondering if we were going to see Han and Leia's twins? But all the ST did was spit on the old characters by killing them off one by one. While the newer ones became more unlikable and the story went down the toilet because a different director was assigned for each movie until Colin got fired by Disney and Ep 9 went back to JJ to direct. No singular focus. No plan.

I'm down with a Leia cameo in Ahsoka but who I really want to see is a de-aged Harrison play Han. I don't know why Harrison hates Han so much? Because he has no origin story? He's a loser? He never wanted Han to come back for ROTJ. We just watched Disney emasculate Indiana Jones by his goddaughter. At least Han had a better final movie he mostly appeared in.

Han Solo is really the best character in all of Star Wars. He's not the Chosen One. He's not the most powerful. He's the flawed, reluctant hero with more charisma than Luke. Even Mark Hamill stated this. It felt like it was Han's story. Not his. It's when Robin had so much charisma, he outshined Batman. We rarely see sidekicks do this.

It's not like Han Solo was a loser. He started off as this selfish, cynical, atheist loner and ended up becoming a war hero. Didn't he clear Luke's path when aiming to blow up the Death Star? The one time we see Darth Vader as a pilot and Han comes in late to divert his path. Then Han saves Luke from freezing to death on Hoth. The only time we see Han use a lightsaber was to save Luke.

We've had other characters in that Han Solo mold. Finn, Poe, and Cassian don't have his charisma and Boyega and Isaac are excellent actors. And their funny one-liners don't hit as well as Harrison's. Can throw in Hera, a female Han mixed with Leia. He is named Solo, so he is one of one. He's one of a kind. When Han died in TFA, that scene wrecked me. I never forgave Kylo Ren for it but I really should be blaming Harrison.

I doubt Harrison Ford would do it unless you pay him a lot of money. He got about $15M from TFA or over 50x more than his co-stars.

"Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money."

^ I can imagine that this really happened with Harrison calling Kathleen a Princess and her revolution being her feminist movement before he signed up for TFA.

Even if Harrison accepted, it would sound weird hearing his old man voice in his 80s while Han is in his 40s. They should have Elizabeth Dulau from Andor portray Leia.

We never got to see Han and Luke in a scene together in the Sequel Trilogy. Maybe it's time to show the brother-in-laws together one last time in Ahsoka?


I swear some star wars fans just don’t like seeing character development but then still complain about no character development 💀
This fanbase is literally ridiculous


She was a teenager when she was trained to be a warrior during the clone wars. At 17 (high school student) she beat Maul and she witness the fall of her ex “family”. The character development finally hit in live action. Watching the cartoons doesn’t make things sink in as much until you see in live action a little girl with a lightsaber in war


Anyone else getting burger King foot lettuce vibes from the way this guy talks?


I think that's a valid point if some people are whining about the lightsaber duels. Rosario did need to trained her non-dominant hand since Ahsoka is ambidextrous. Hayden only needs his dominant hand.


Ep 1 - meh not bad
Ep2, 3 - hmm it's a good show
Ep 4, 5 -


The start of Ep 7 with Ahsoka training, broke and healed my heart at the same time. That’s the only way to describe it.


Some fans really are just Siths larping as Jedis. How many soldiers in the real world come back with severe PTSD and are completely different from their old selves? Now multiply that feeling on a galactic scale and add the fact that the person responsible for much of the carnage was the one guy you looked up to and saw as a big brother. Yeah Ahsoka behaved exactly how a traumatised war veteran would.


I ❤her! She is the female character that broke the ridiculous Hollyweird mold! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I am not a monster. I was persuaded by Palpatine.
