The MERCILESS Execution Of William Wallace - Scotland's Braveheart

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During the Medieval period, the Scottish and the English battled and invaded each other a huge number of times. Both armies would suffer terrible casualties, but during the reign of English King Edward I, the English monarch met his match in the form of a rebel Scottish war lord. Much is not known about the life of William Wallace, and it's said that he was a giant of a man standing around 7 feet tall. But it was William Wallace, who is remembered today as 'Braveheart,' who forced back the English army. Wallace even led Scottish invasions into England. He was defeated in a huge battle, but after this William Wallace was seen as a wanted man, and he did emerge a few years later back in his homeland. However he was betrayed by a Scot who captured him.

Wallace was passed over to the English, and then he was brought to London where the English people treated him terribly. He was paraded throughout the streets where things were thrown at him, and he was taken to a hearing. Here he was told he was sentenced to death for treason, and then after this took place he was dragged by a horse 4 miles throughout the city of London. This would have been brutal, and he was taken to his place of execution Smithfield. Whilst here he was hanged, drawn and quartered in front of a huge crowd. But the story of William Wallace lives on today in the famous Blockbuster film 'Braveheart,' but he met an incredibly brutal end inside of the English capital.

So join us today as we look at, 'The MERCILESS Execution Of William Wallace - Scotland's Braveheart.' Remember to support our channel, please make sure to subscribe.
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Was William Wallace dealt with too harshly? What did you think of the film Braveheart? Comment below!


A great patriotic man and absolute mad lad

Also, as a Scot thanks for being unbiased especially being an Englishman yourself.


Maybe we need more men like him
He stood up


Merciless is the key word. Braveheart was an awesome movie, but it was also probably the least accurate "historical" movie ever made. One of the biggest errors of the film was the fantasy that Wallace was given a chance to end his torture if he would only beg for mercy. No way. They were going to make an example of Wallace in the worst possible way, and no one in the crowd would have been calling for mercy.


I know the Braveheart movie had alot of "Hollywood inaccuracies" and fiction added in it. But, Braveheart is still one of my all time favorite movies. Wallace is a true Patriot to his country.


William Wallace could never have imagined that hundreds of years after his gruesome death millions of people would look upon him as their hero and watch his story in cinemas all over the world.


Why does every sentence end in a high tone, almost like a question. very strange.


It's very dangerous to disagree with a tyranny.


How could the man be tried for treason? He never swore allegiance to the crown, he swore allegiance to Scotland. RIP you legend.



Wallace was not known as "Braveheart" this was King Robert the Bruce.
After he died his heart was carried in crusade then brought back and buried


Extreme brutality and violence is found throughout history. To be stripped naked and dragged behind a horse for four miles itself is unimaginable to say nothing of what came afterwards. Then to hear of similar brutality still going on in the world today is sad and shameful. We human beings are wretched souls.


I was too distracted by the narrator. The cadence drove me mad. An Interesting subject ruined by the vocal.


Loved the part where the nobles just handed him over and turned their back on him. A real tight knit society they had.
Can't trust your own govt.who can you trust?


A great, patriotic man and absolute mad lad


Of course he was treated too harshly. He paid the ultimate price because he wanted to be free. William Wallace’s spirit resides in the hearts of every human being that yearns to be free. Truly free. Absolutely, the English wanted to send a message. Never underestimate a human’s desire for freedom.


One of the most hardcore things about his battle at sterling Bridge was after he defeated the English he took Hugh De Cressingham and flayed his skin to make a baldrick for his sword. Hardcore.


This barbaric execution was also taken out on the last native Welsh Prince, Dafydd ap Gruffydd on October the 3rd, 1283 .It was ordered implicitly by Edward the 1st.


6:25 is the start of his capture..saved you guys more than half of the 10min mark..


I mean William Wallace wasn’t actually called Braveheart. That was Robert the Bruce. After he died, he had his heart taken out of his body and taken on Crusade in Spain.


Wallace evaded capture by the English until 5 August 1305, when John de Menteith, a Scottish knight loyal to Edward, turned Wallace over to English soldiers ...according to google. In case anyone was wondering... like me.
