How to rewrite a negative integer to a fraction

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👉 Learn how to understand the concept of fractions using parts of a whole. Fractions are parts of a whole and this concept can be illustrated using bars and circles. This concept can also be extended to understand equivalent fractions. When a whole bar is divided into, say, two equal parts, we refer to each of the two parts as one part out of two parts and write it as 1/2. Similarly when a circle is divided into, say, for equal parts, we refer to three of the parts as three parts out of 4 parts and write it as 3/4.

Organized Videos:
✅Add and Subtract Fractions
✅Learn About Fractions
✅Add and Subtract Fractions with Like Denominators
✅Add and Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators
✅Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers

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I end up watching you every day. My life didn't go in a linear line (math joke lol). So high school math is the only thing I suck at. Being in my 5th week of my first semester of college and you've saved me and helped me learn more than the videos they offer every single week. Much appreciated. You explain things better than anyone else I've found on here for all of the math I'm dealing with atm.


Thank you… I’m helping my 6th grader with her math homework 😥 and you have simplified it for me.


Only nine comments.. who’s seeing this in 2021 bc ur revising for ur exams 😪
