DON'T DO THIS IN PRAGUE! (34 things not to do in Prague)

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Don't do this in Prague! When you visit this country, definitely don't do these 345 things. Trust me, I've lived in Prague for over 9 years and I've definitely made some of these mistakes! This is one of the most fun countries to visit in Europe, and if you can avoid these mistakes, you'll have a better time and get to experience the city and country like a local.

01:02 On the map
02:07 In Czech home
02:52 On Public Transit
05:50 In Czech restaurants or pubs
08:51 Out and About

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▶ A B O U T D R E A M P R A G U E:

Ahoj! I'm Jen, Native Californian, living in Prague, Czech Republic for the past 9 years with my husband and our rescue dog Tobik. One fateful night, we drank a bottle of wine, threw a dart at the map, and bought one-way tickets to move our entire lives to the center of Europe! Everyday we learn something new, about Czech people, Czech culture, Czech history, Czech language and how to battle the Czech bureaucracy. Dream Prague started as a place to share what we learned with other foreigners living here.

Are you considering a move, a visit, or simply interested in American culture vs. Czech culture? Subscribe and hit the bell to get notified of my latest video each week!

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▶ M O R E V I D E O S Y O U ' L L E N J O Y

➾ The honest truth about my life in Prague:

➾ Are you planning a visit to Prague?

➾ Are you learning Czech?
Рекомендации по теме

- "But...your president is Russian"
- "well..." :DDD
u have a great czech humor and vids, keep doing them :D


"But your president is Russian?!"
Ahahahaha, I died (inside)


I was also guilty of some. Most famous is when I came to visit my Girlfriend for the first time and as I got off the plane I said "Its great to finally visit East Europe." I was almost sent back on the next flight. Lol.


Kdepak, vy už nejste američanka, vy už jste naše. Ty rady jsou přesné ;)


Btw, I am that Czech who says to "how are you?" "well, kinda crap, I couldn't sleep and my deadlines are approaching..."


Indeed, we are very sensitive about the "Eastern Europe" thing. Just say Central Europe. It's geographically accurate and it will make us appreciate you more, because we'll know you've been studying ;) Also, my personal favorite is "the heart of Europe" phrase


Been to Czech Republic six times. Learning some basic words is something Czech's appreciate. At least they know you are trying and will really warm up to you. Ostrava, Kutna Hora, and Cesky Krumlov are really neat cities and very different from each other. And amazed how young people will leap out of their seats on the metro or tram for an older person or mother with children.


Oh girl with all your irony and sarcasm, you are local. I'm proud of you.


"But your president is Russian"
This is gold...😅😂😂


So right about the Czech Republic being in Central Europe. Most Americans are unaware that Prague is further west than Vienna, Austria. As a Czech American I really enjoy your content.


Well about that grandmother comment. My grandmother was married 12 times, due to her drinking skills and high tolerance. Only my grandfather survived that. :-D


The “how are you?” thing…omg! I never understood the weird looks I was getting in Australia when I genuinely replied to this question. Though it is a part of their “overly friendly” attitude and that it is polite to answer. 😅


Hey, Jenn!
Tak tohle mě vážně dostalo: "...dokonce zahlédnete skutečného Čecha v přirozeném prostředí!"
Že ty ses nedávno dívala na film "Gorily v mlze"?! V tom případě jsi měla přidat i varování: "Hlavně ho nevyplašte!" 😂😉😄😃😛


actually you can get great vegetarian food anywhere in CZ, you know, "tekutý chléb" :D


"They're nice and they can buy many beers." 😄
Btw. I love your outfit in 9:16. 😊


Czechoslovakia is fine... Chechnya is worse .-)


IDK if it's only my family who does that, but when we say "don't take off your shoes, it's okay", we actually mean it, but it's true we only say it to people like plumbers, electricians and so on 😀


35. only in Prague say that Prague is amazing

36. Outside Prague NEVER say that Prague is amazing. (mainly in Brno)


It is the first time I am watching your video in Prague, after watching your videos in Brazil for about 3 years, dreamming to live here again, and now my dream came true!


Jen has got this completely spot on. If you are coming to Czech Republic for the first time, watch this video 2 or 3 times. There is a lot packed into this video, and it will really help you blend in.
