How Much Maths Do You Need To Know To Become A Data Scientist

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The problem is that in high schools (at least in Italy where I come from) teach math in a very abstract way, they just teach you algebra for example without saying what could be a practical use of linear algebra, so it comes the fear and hate for math. Nowadays thanks to YouTube and people like Krish, where they give practical examples is different, I wish YouTube existed when I was going to high school


I totally agree with krish, I figured out that my math knowledge is nothing because I cannot relate real problems to math, and this enlightenment happen in my final year of college, I also figured that the knowledge seem to be waste because the way it was taught to me, only to solve textbook questions. I decided to start from 0 literally zero, I started learning from video tutorial which teaches me how math operation looks, like literally, visualization is key part if you want to know "why". Started watching 3blue1brown linear algebra playlist. Accept that we don't know something, and learn it in a right way.


Krish, take a salute! You never run out of good content.


Salute for your hard work and dedication!


As you said, I have been learning even after my college time. Always struggled but as i put so much time learning myself. I came to understand the key of learning anything is relating what you are learning to something you already know and always ask whats the real use case scenario of what you are learning.


You show me the right path till day I tried to learn math separately and it is a huge topics to cover I struggled lots with math now I got clear view how to approach the math thank you for your valuable advice


Hello krish, hope your well😊, I am looking exactly for this video.


I used to think that math without application was inferior until I did discrete mathematics. I think that a rigorous approach starting from topics like trigonometry will make math seem more like someone is trying to prove something rather than using formulas which becomes very stale. I believe that applications drain the syllabus. When taking vector calculus our teacher skipped optimization. If we had spent time covering optimization, we would have less time working on really important concepts like Stokes Theorem which comes towards the end of the course, when optimization comes at the start. In my opinion, it's nice to mention applications in passing than to actually go through the work, and let people take courses in that particular coursr of application to learn more, for example mention optimization during vector calculus then the student goes on to take linear programming etc. A textbook example is Strang's Linear algebra and its applications. It is a second course in linear algebra focused on applying concepts. I also own a copy of Axler's linear algebra done right. The latter is a much better second course because it focuses on doing linear algebra. Strang's content on differential equations, Jacobians, linear programming etc can all be done in their respective courses. Axler ultimately covers much more material.


Thank you so much Krish, how generous are you in sharing the knowledge... you are great...👍👍


I think if we have any weak area then make it strong everything is possible. All math topics are belonging to higher classes. Focus and consistent effort can help us to win the game.


1] Linear Alegebra
2]] Calculus
3] Statics


Your definetly going to superstar of DATA SCIENCE for students in INDIA


Salute to you sir... I need this video. Thanks


Sir I don't have a math background from school or even in intermediate studies. Now I want to pursue a career in Data Science but lack fundamental math skills. Is there any solution for this?


You make a video everyday. I like your drug towards educating. 👍


These all maths i studied in 12 th 😂nd im totally stranged now why these topics were in our syllabus


You really help fast track learning, Thanks


Great video, same way please make on other topics, in Python, tableu, powerbi, machine learning & deep learning etc what and all topic to cover


Hello Kris, I am learning data science and getting motivated by your videos. I am amazed with the algorithms that exist and how they are discovered. I have a maths background. Do you know what kind of research is going on data science with the help differential equations. Thank you.


Thank you Krish sir for uploading this..
