WAIT... Remember Chaotic?

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A big tie in for cards games is having a cartoon show closely or loosely come with it, and that's no different for Chaotic. Chaotic however while still have plots and parts of that story that don't have anything to do with the Chaotic card game, it worked pretty hard to show off the card game in the show and do it as accurate as possible. Let's take a look into what Chaotic was all about and its possible future.

Written By: Jordan Fringe
Edited By: Jordan Fringe & Jaclyn Shin (shinjanaytor)
Channel Art By: Jerry Meehan
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Thanks so much for watching! Did you ever give the Chaotic Card Game or the Chaotic Show a chance?


I really think Chaotic would succeed if it came out again; the concept of turning INTO the monsters really helped it stand out from the other card games


This is a show that was way ahead of its time, making it so you could take the cards you purchased in real life and use them on the website in online battles was super cool.


I loved the lore this show had. How the characters took risks to scan the cards to use in their game while there's also factions at war outside of their safe space. The creatures had their own lives, secrets, conflicts, and the players learned from it for their own battles while also helping the creatures from time to time.


Sometimes I really wish I could go back in time to experience how amazing these shows were to me as a kid.


I loved it when characters took on certain memories and behaviors of the creatures they took on. Adds a new layer to the concept, but it's a shame they only used that idea a few times.


This show had a very amazing premise. The idea of becoming the monsters you use to fight in a battle is so incredible. I had active Daydreams with this idea a lot


I liked that the characters didn't always win, especially since they often played each-other, it made the games more interesting since it could go either way.


The coolest thing about Chaotic, for me, was how the strategies shown were usually pretty sound or usable in the actual (as in irl) game! It made the show actually sell me on the card game, as opposed to just being a show I liked with a card game


I always thought the idea of the main characters supporting different factions was so cool. Really inviting you to explore the world from different angles.


Marillian Invasion was easily Chaotic at it's peak. Their Lovecraftian nature really helped them stand out from the other races in the show, and aside from Von Blut, they were the first true villains the series ever had. The fact that the Code Masters had to actually shut down the gates connecting Chaotic to Perim further highlights just how dangerous they were.


I remember loving this show as a kid and being really disappointed how season 1 ended on a massive cliffhanger and thinking that was how the show ended.

It was only years later that I learned that not only did the show get a second and third season, that sinply didn't air in my country for some reason, with a significantly different animation style, but that the game had been an actual card game (albeit a short lived one)


The idea of YOU having to go into the wild as your "starter" monster card in order to defeat, scan and therefore obtain others to your arsenal is very very cool imo, I was really into the show at the time.

Though I seem to remember I got a little frustrated as kid bc the MC would scan awesome creatures all the time but would almost always use the same main creature anyway lol.


I really liked how they could scan a creature who just used some sort of buff or mugic and end up with a better stat creature, like wise the time when tangeth was sick with a cold and had lower stats. Really made the world feel alive and gave the creatures personality and agendas. All the story arcs were amazing.


when i was a kid i was always so annoyed that they didn't actually go into the world of chaotic but got the memories of being there. i'd be so pissed if i was sitting around in my room waiting to find out what i did in this other world


Chaotic was my childhood. It's still one of my favorite cartoons growing up in the 2000's. It's a good thing that the whole series is on YouTube. I still plan on making animatics based on the show just for fun.


I loved and still love to watch Chaotic. You can even still find most of the episodes on youtube.


I never stopped thinking about chaotic. the game was so cool and unique. I remember seeing an ad for chaotic's physical game in a beckett yugioh magazine and thinking it was so cool looking that I started watching the show despite being repulsed by the art style. when the game came out, I went to target and got both starter decks. I really hope it comes back.


The show was so well written. Not only were the cards a just a cool game the characters played but the creatures they scanned with each card had their own stories, motivations, and conflicts. The stakes always felt real and they actually had to be daring to get a lot of their scans but they weren’t just hunting for creatures for a game. They’d actually get involved and help them and in turn learn how to incorporate what they’ve learned from them in their matches. Shit imma go rewatch


This is the show I've always felt scratching at my memory but just couldn't place! Thank you Jordan, really brought back my childhood, a real massive rush of memory.
