3 Things God Always Does to an Egomaniac/Narcissist

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What does the Bible say about egomania? Egomaniacs and narcissists are very dangerous. But God sees what these selfish people are doing. If they do not repent, here are 3 things God always does to an egomaniac.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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1. God lets an egomaniac dig a pit for others but then allow them to fall into themselves
2. God will often exalt the very person that the egomaniac sought to destroy
3. The egomaniac will eventually lose all their friends and be exposed for the narcissist that they are


This kind of behavior lead me to be a emotionally abusive partner and friend. Thank god he separated me from my lover and friends. I lost them and i miss them but i hurt them badly. I regret alot but at least i am a better person for it. I miss them though i was considered a brother. I did alot of wrong and i dont want anyone who reads this to suffer like this. Pray to God to help you reveal your past issues that made you behave this way. And then fix it. God bless.


I need so much prayer, I can’t even type it all out here. Please pray for me


Wow Mark! This video is super timely. These past two weeks have been extremely rough because I had to end a close friendship! I had set boundaries and communicated my needs but that was not taken well. I ended up being gaslit, accused of things I had never done and my character was in question when I had done my best to glorify God and live as a man of integrity. It’s super tough but the Holy Spirit is reminding me that I am sowing into His kingdom and not my own. The Lord is keeping me humble, but man it’s really difficult to trust God when you see prideful people seemingly winning all of the time. However, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble and God looks at the heart and not outward appearance!


Please pray for me. Ive been sick for over a week and am going through a breakup. Dont have anyone around me to help right now


I saw that ppl setting traps for other were seen as nice but also known for being mean to others they don't like. And others accommodated them and joined in their bullying of other ppl. I surrender it all to GOD amen. I forgive all amen. In Jesus Name❤


They get the short term gains in this life, but the long term suffering in the next


I roomed with a lady that rented out rooms. She was a severe alcoholic Naraasist. I had to live with her 4 1/2 years. Felt like ten. She lamost one late night came and knocked on my partner's room with a butcher knife and he was very alarmed. She said, we can never argue-or face the concequences. Murder! She was a R.N. and a good repetition. I tried calling the police on her about it. I'm mentally and physically disabled. And they called me a liar and hung up. Thank God myself and my partner found a place 67 days later.We live with a shared living family now that does drugs and two are criminals. But at least they don't threaten to kill us! I forgave that lady and pray she finds Jesus Christ before it's too late.


I think the key is to recognize that anything the egomaniac builds for themselves is actually hollow - it's just a matter of time before they come to terms with this too. Think about any time you've egotistically attached yourself to something - it always ends up crumbling over time.


Pray for them! They need salvation too


My ex narcissistic abusive husband of 40 years ago it's still hateful and murderous of me. To my knowledge everyone still thinks he's wonderful. My narcissistic father recently died. He got away with a lifetime of abusing people. But I know he will be resurrected to judgment and every word and deed he did and said will be judged righteously.


Absolutely amazing. May Jesus bless you and your family!


This is so good, thank you for sharing.


I am experiencing this at work today. Thank you! This was very much needed. 🙏


If social media is any guide she has lost her family and friends. But I can understand it she likes being alone. I'm the same way. But you need to be part of the world sometimes. I met her in Church so I pray for her every day.


They flourish like all evil that goes unchallenged. To see, understand and allow evil to exist is to do evil itself.

Stop running from evil, fight it to the death if for no other reason than to stop it from taking advantage of those that would otherwise come after you, as the last person who chose to ignore it did not do for you.


Egomaniacs aren’t bad like narcissists are.


Would you please do a video on a *Communal* narcissist please?
Also known as the White Knight narc. The type of narc who everybody worships because he has the reputation of being the do-gooder, the one who always helps his friends, warm towards everyone else except for his own partner. Partner gets deprioritized way below impressing other people.
Victim usually becomes neglected and isolated because no matter how much they try to speak out, everyone will invalidate them because of the good image the narc has cultivated over the years


Don’t worry about the ego, don’t feed it, don’t let it get to you, but you have to understand it. Don’t worry about your life and how bad you think it is. If you don’t live in some poor African country or wherever else where $5 can feed you for a month on rice and you got AC, heat and a roof over your head, you have more than many. You have a infinite more than Jesus had in life but Jesus has a infinite more than anyone else does in the afterlife, in real life. Just think about what Jesus had and how he lived. If you worry about others and why they got that promotion over “you.” Then your ego is no better. It happens to us all, where the ego takes over. It’s a battle between these parts of us. Learn and move on.


He does nothing to them. He punishes the kind hearted with these narcissist. It is wrong to do good to these people for you are the one who loses and they go as evil prospers in the world.
