Easy At-Home Test To Diagnose Sleep Apnea

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Are you tired all day? Maybe gaining weight and your blood pressure is a bit high? Your problem may be sleep apnea. Dr. Max Gomez has more.
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You don’t have to be a snorer to have sleep apnea. If you’re sleepy through the day, despite getting 8 or more hours of sleep, mention it to your doctor.


I did test 44 times an hour. Was falling asleep driving home from work Almost caused a crash. This cpap machine has helped get my life back


Thank so much for this information. The clinic that offered to test me wanted $800 out of pocket and they didn’t take insurance. On the average it’s another $800 for the cpap machine. I’ve been putting this off for a long time because of the cost. Good healthcare isn’t good if it’s not affordable.


I was filming, and i fell asleep, i abruptly opened my eyes, i wasnt sure if i had slept, it felt like i just closed and opened my eyes, to my surprise i was asleep! The video proved it, i never knew it was possible


What helps a lot of people is vitamin B1. Cells rely on it for energy, so can contribute to collapse of the air pipe if there is a deficiency. Combined with the right type of mouth guard it can work wonders. Additionally consider singing lessons in addition to these, which surprises some of us, but think about these steps as they are all things we can do for ourselves before going for the cpap machinery.


My friend self-diagnosed his sleep apnoea using a 'FitBit' watch which monitors breathing and blood oxygen via its built-in pulse oximeter. He is overweight and has a hyperglotiic tongue (large tongue) and still has his tonsils. He produced a lot of secretions in the night which contributed to his airway obstruction. He tried medication to dry out his secretions and his sleep apnoea went!!

He used a double dose of cold medication at bedtime (phenylephrine 2 x 12.2mg) and it has changed his life until he continues to lose weight.


Cpap has helped me sleep better and bp has dropped


Very good report, but to clarify this only diagnoses obstructive sleep apnea (not central sleep apnea). And if the patient has significant medical conditions such as COPD, or congestive heart failure they do not qualify for at home sleep apnea test. Also if a patient takes opiates should not have a home test due to risk of central sleep apnea.


My blood pressure has been fluctuating from high to normal everyday for a month. I wake up choking gasping for air some nights. I do have a hard time falling asleep every night. As I'm drifting into sleep I feel my chest get tight and my breathing starts to slow down so much to the point where I wake up feeling so dizzy and weak I feel like im dying so I struggle to actually fall asleep. This has been going on for a whole month now.


I been getting awful sleep lately I’ve had sleep apnea a few years now just wondering why all a sudden my sleep is lacking. 4-5 hours a day it’s terrible


I am slim, eat healthy, exercise. I get apnea to the point that I get up out of bed, can’t breathe, go downstairs . During the whole time I am in apnea. Chest x-rays good… Blood pressure ok. Saturation ok. I don’t snore. Rarely


i had sleep apnea but then i got surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids 5 years ago. i’m doing better😎🤝


crap my test showed 87 times an hr i stopped breathing for over ten seconds per hr. Since the CPAP the last year its down to about 5 - 7 which is awesome for me.


Worst night of my life hooked up to one of these....could not sleep at all. It recorded only 2 hours of sleep, pretty sure that's when I got up and sat in my chair all night till I had to get up to take it back. Scary part was if I did not have it back by a certain time early in the morning I would have received an additional cost...


I love my cpap. I feel so good with it and nights feel a lot better and more full. I literally used to doze off while driving but not anymore. :)


If you have a Porsche, a big black truck, and a big mansion probably you can afford to go to a specialist for a surgery!


The way to good sleep is through exercise
The way to good exercise is through sleep


I am going on my test tonight, my husband's tired of me at night cause when my breathing stops it hurts my chest after


Your information about an At-Home Test Diagnoses of Sleep Apnea was very interesting.
From the comments below, viewers might be interested in learning about sleep. If you are looking for a doctor's perspective on this subject, then Doctor Avinesh Bhar would be interested in doing an interview/video with you. He is a fellowship-trained and board-certified doctor in sleep and pulmonary medicine. He is based in Macon, Georgia, and has a sleep treatment practice.
Thank you


the Cpap machine is one of the great inventions of the 20th century 🥂
