extend a guest wifi on second access point with OpenWrt using VLANs

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In this episode we will extend a guest wifi in our home network as well as the IOT SSID and the LAN SSID which we have defined in the first episode to a second access point with OpenWrt using VLANs. Rather than setting up the second OpenWrt router as a fulll router, we will set it up as a so called "dumb access point" and extend the LAN, IOT and Guest networks over one single cable by defining a tagged VLAN port on both switches.
0:00 recap, intro
0:33 checking the main router
1:04 what we want to achieve
1:48 adding ethernet interfaces
2:12 can it be achieved with routing only ?
3:28 solving the problem with VLANs
4:00 adding the VLANs in luci for Guest, IOT and LAN
5:30 bridging Wi-fi and Ethernet on the main router
6:20 connecting Router and access point with untagged VLANs (3 cables)
7:05 How to use one single cable instead of three ?
7:20 tagging / trunking explained and implemented
8:50 setting up the Access point
9:40 Testing
11:05 little cosmetic change : unmanaged and managed Switches, tagging or trunking the ports
11:50 unmanaged switch - mixing source port (untaged) and trunk port (tagged) on one Ethernet port
12:45 recap