Calculating NDVI from Satellite Imagery using QGIS

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In this tutorial, you will learn the foundational concepts of NDVI, which stands for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Additionally, you will learn how to calculate NDVI using satellite imagery.
NDVI is a widely used index that helps us understand vegetation health and coverage by analyzing satellite imagery. Using satellite imagery products such as Landsat, Sentinel, and MODIS, you will generate an NDVI raster based on the Near Infrared and Red spectral band datasets.
In this tutorial, we use QGIS to perform this calculation. The output can then be classified using an appropriate color ramp to highlight different areas: water bodies, snow, and ice, which have negative NDVI values; areas with little to no vegetation or vegetation under stress, corresponding to NDVI values between 0 and 0.4; and healthy, thriving leafy vegetation, represented by NDVI values greater than 0.4
#landsat #ndvi #wavelengths
NDVI is a widely used index that helps us understand vegetation health and coverage by analyzing satellite imagery. Using satellite imagery products such as Landsat, Sentinel, and MODIS, you will generate an NDVI raster based on the Near Infrared and Red spectral band datasets.
In this tutorial, we use QGIS to perform this calculation. The output can then be classified using an appropriate color ramp to highlight different areas: water bodies, snow, and ice, which have negative NDVI values; areas with little to no vegetation or vegetation under stress, corresponding to NDVI values between 0 and 0.4; and healthy, thriving leafy vegetation, represented by NDVI values greater than 0.4
#landsat #ndvi #wavelengths
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