Integrating Scientific Experiments with Wargaming Mechanics

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In this workshop, the innovative integration of formal scientific experiments with experimental game mechanics will be explored, focusing particularly on wargames. The discussion will revolve around how traditional wargaming elements can be effectively utilized in scientific settings to enhance experimental outcomes. We will delve into the additional benefits of incorporating game mechanics into formal experiments, what modifications are required in traditional gaming styles to facilitate scientific inquiry, and the potential of this interdisciplinary approach to reshape experimental research.

L. Berke CAPLI

Levent Berke Çaplı completed his undergraduate education in the field of "Economics and Political Science" at the University of Essex in England. He completed the SAVBEN Technology Management Master's Program at the Turkish Military Academy and in 2019, he obtained his master's degree in Technology Policies from METU with his thesis titled "Behavioral Economics and System Engineering-Based Serious Game Development Methodology." Currently, he is pursuing his doctoral studies in the field of Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. In 2016, Çaplı became the Founding Chairman of the NATO Cyber Defense and Gamification Research Committee (SAS-129) making him the youngest-ever chairman of NATO. He is currently leading the SAS-172 Multi-Domain Warfare Game Research Task Group. In 2023, he received the NATO Early Career Award for his contributions to the SAS-129 Research Group.


Ada is a law graduate from the University of Strasbourg, France with an avid interest in defence. She has coordinated the Women in Command Project, funded by US Embassy Ankara, NATO Public Diplomacy Division and supported by NATO Chief Scientist’s Office with KizBasina (Just-a-Girl) NGO. The Hybrid Threat Rising game was created under Ada’s lead which became Turkey's first game dealing with hybrid threats, the first game to be developed to train women leaders and the first game to be designed and led by a woman. The game also obtained the International Serious Play Awards’ Golden Medal and won the MS&T Awards of 2022. Following the final design, she led the design for the Humanity in Crisis Module. She also won the Women in Defence UK - Women in STEM award in 2022. Ada is also acting as a Design Team Lead for the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) Crisis Working Group to design a TableTop Exercise working with world’s leading social media tech companies and worked directly with representatives from Meta, YouTube, Tech Against Terrorism, FBI and many more since 2022. She then became the co-lead of Fight Club International’s Türkiye Chapter (Fight Club Türkiye) and a member researcher to the NATO STO’s SAS-172 Research Task Group on Multi-Domain Operations Wargame. Lastly, she is to become the youngest ever Task Group chair with the SAS-HFM-ET-FH on Inclusion of Generation Z+ to Defence Organizations.
Рекомендации по теме

Excellent presentation. Looking forward to reading your finalized dissertation.


Great presentation, has a lot of relevance nowadays... however the title uses the word 'science', which seems dangerously inaccurate.

Very impressed by the opening remarks on the three possible uses of games /gamification.

But perhaps budget constraints hijacked this effort? Relying on board games to train tactical, I get that. But trying to simulate global strategy seems a huge stretch without major computational input.

Experimental results also demand rigor. Repeatability, a null hypothesis, some form of benchmark or comparative (gold standard being double blind).

So extremely terrifying that nuclear policy etc is being simulated without any of that rigor or complexity.

And other giant issues like the politics & economy of entire nations simply by using simplified, modified, or adapted board games.

Off the shelf games have their own biases and simplifications baked in, how could that be influencing outcomes?

And the classic example stated of the players' suprise at their own FASCISM developed as a result of black-white thinking, unfettered 'power' in the game & zero real consequence. This is exactly how governments fail, by taking ignorant, shortsighted & delusional decisions - often repeating history (if only they could learn from it!). Plus of course elitist exploitation of the population.

So despite the outrageously self-aggrandizing bio of the two presenters... less impressive than hoped for.

Also the chief cultural 'norm' of the male dominating the presentation despite a female of apparently equal status being right beside him! Unbelievable... But demonstrated exactly how inbuilt biases can skew decisions & behaviour.
