From Art to Science: Analytical Wargaming and Behavioral Research by Andrew Reddie

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Wargames have traditionally served a variety of roles—from education and training to analysis. Recently, the analytical applications of wargaming methods have been the source of considerable debate given concerns surrounding bias and validity. At the same time, the use of wargames for analytical purposes is increasing—with social scientists turning to the method as a tool for conducting behavioral research. In this presentation, I examine the use of wargames in the academy—focusing on the potential of experimental wargaming for social science research and efforts to address the methodological challenges associated with the method. In the process, I reflect on the lessons learned from the Carnegie-funded Project on Nuclear Gaming and on future applications of experimental wargames to address frontier national and international security challenges.


Dr. Andrew Reddie is a senior member of technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories.

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