Can not Install angular-cli?Here is how to Do it....!!!

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Hey whats up guys this is tech mad 07 ... to day I am gonna show you how to install angular cli if you are having any problem with installing angular-cli in your machine I am using windows machine but i will show you how to install in mac and ubuntu also so lets get started
First of all you have to install node js and git if you are a windows user and for mac or ubuntu you only need to install nodejs the latest current version
then if you have tried to install angular-cli before then in your windows pc open a command promp with administrator privilage and write npm cache clear
if you are a mac or ubuntu user then open the terminal and first write sudo rm -rf node_modules then sudo npm cache clear then write sudo npm install -g angular-cli thats it thats gonna install angualr-cli on your pc successfully
So thanks for watching the tutorial and its my first tutorial on ang2 from basic to advanced hope you liked it if you do please subscribe and share .....that will really help me to go along a long way... thank you..
First of all you have to install node js and git if you are a windows user and for mac or ubuntu you only need to install nodejs the latest current version
then if you have tried to install angular-cli before then in your windows pc open a command promp with administrator privilage and write npm cache clear
if you are a mac or ubuntu user then open the terminal and first write sudo rm -rf node_modules then sudo npm cache clear then write sudo npm install -g angular-cli thats it thats gonna install angualr-cli on your pc successfully
So thanks for watching the tutorial and its my first tutorial on ang2 from basic to advanced hope you liked it if you do please subscribe and share .....that will really help me to go along a long way... thank you..