Biblical Numerology: Ancient Teachings Hidden by the Church

Показать описание
- Understanding Sacred Numbers and their meaning
- Dangers of Religion taken Literally
- Corruption in the Early Church
- Allegory and Myth in the Bible Compared to other Ancient Texts
- Divine Intervention and the Number Seven
- Meaning of Noah's Ark
- The Pineal Gland and Jacob
- Manly P Hall and the Tower of Bable
- Meditation and Kundalini
- Pythagoras and Perfect Number Ratios
- The Ark of the Covenant
- Breakdown of Revelations and the 7 Trumpets
- Hidden Meanings and Cover Ups
- Mathematics in Ancient Alchemical Manuscripts
- Miracles of Jesus and their Meanings
- Reasons the Orthodox Church Lies about Divine Word
- Scripture Retellings of much Older Theologies and Myth
- Gnosis requires no money or Initiation / Needless Temples and Churches
- God in the Mirror

LotU Merch:

"Book of Wonderful Suffering" by our host Joseph W. Phipps- Link:


Soundtrack of the Untold-

Guest appearance by Sagan Amery of Immortal Return- Link:

#numerology #hiddenmeaning #bible #meditation
Рекомендации по теме

I am from Ethiopia where people are more religious than spiritual. I, however, chose a different path in which I find the truth of the Universe from within through meditation. Thanks for your videos, I always enjoy them.May all of us be strong in our endeavor towards awakening.


Your video on the cult of Saturn and the black cube changed my life. I was going down a very dark path and was abusing methamphetamine and wanted to die. I haven’t touched it since that day and I can’t thank you enough for being the hand I grabbed on to and the light I needed to relight my own inner candle. I’m so hungry for this knowledge and your channel is my fave. Much love man.


I have discovered you channel on the day that I had a cancer removed from the back of my head. To be exact the crown. I am now on a journey to bring balance into my Life


The seven sounds of music: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti. Vibrational sounds


I love how you basically replied on most of the early comments - love this community


Looking forward to this. I've had this discussion with Christian friends and family before. I usually tend to bring up the story of Jesus praying and fasting for 40 days and nights in the Judean desert. If you're praying for 40 days straight, safe to say you're meditating.


I love that you keep your familial interactions in these. So fun.


The difference between segan and Joey is why I love this channel. I love the information both creators provide, but the presentation here is so straightforward, the image choice is top tier and are easy to understand without context.. there’s just so much to take in every video .. easily my favorite library


Waiting in anticipation, my friend. Thought I'd mention here how grateful I am that you spend so much of your free time spreading this knowledge and research for all to see. You are having a profound impact, even if it's only to a small number of people. Keep it up brother ❤


Bravo, you along with William Donahue, Acharya S, Manly P. Hall and others are fully using their minds..❤❤❤❤


I don't usually write comments on YouTube videos. Today I got the urge, so I just do it. Thanks for the today's stream. The way you are is really pleasant and fun to listen to and I really like your voice. I would like to ask you a lot of questions, but that's not why I'm writing. Anyway, I wish you continued success!

Thank you for your being!❤


interesting choice of upload date and time. fun fact- Undertow is 108:13 long. looking forward to this one bud. spent a lifetime as a catholic and im familiar with their anti stance on this practice and others like yoga. coincidentally ive found the best thing to ever happen to me in regards to my "adhd" was to take up this practice. in step 11 of my 12 step program meditation and prayer is suggested, so i took its advice and its made quite a difference in my life. i find many questions this way, and a deep and quiet peace that getting high or going to church never ever brought me. im glad you are touching topics like this joe. keep up the good work.


🌞🌞Thank you for inviting me onto this wonderful episode! I really enjoyed exploring this topic and can't wait to find out more. 🌞🌞


so many meanings yet so many questions, love how this page makes me look deeper aswel as give me creeps as what im looking into you post on the topic.


thank you for blessing us with your light.

Oh and the soundtrack is tight.


😢 ok didnt expect to shed tears before coffee. Ty for sharing part your souls shadow your not alone


Brother, I am a soon to be initiate of a mystery school and I want to say this is your best video yet. If we all understood the true Gospel this world would definitely be a much better place! We definitely have it all wrong but my Faith is reaffirmed knowing this community is growing rapidly. It tells me that on a larger scale we are all truly Awakening and returning to the true Gnosis. Ah!! I’m so fired up. Thank you!!! SMIB!! 🔥🙏🏽


Content is straight 🔥, brother. Keep on keeping on!


Always exciting to get a notification from here.

Followed on X and shilled your book and channel.

Let's goooo!


Love your channel. Your sense of humor and insight made me an instant fan. Tbh, yours is the only channel that I've watched all the videos in your library. Great stuff.
