Signs Your Ex Regrets Breaking Up With You

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Hi coach lee❤️ i went through hell when i got my heart broke after 5 years of relationship and almost committed suicide, i did no contact while crying everyday and that
went for 2 months, my ex boyfriend started a relationship a week after we broke up so i was devastated, long story short, 2 months later i met someone who loved me like no one ever loved me before and i realized my ex was abusive. as soon as we became boyfriend and girlfriend my ex reached out and begged crying for forgiveness and ask to get back together, sadly for him i wasn’t interested anymore. thank you coach lee


I feel like there is no down side to NC and focusing on yourself. If your ex reaches out and wants you back, great! If they don't, one day you'll realise you don't even want them back. This is about taking your power back. I sincerely wish all of you find love whether it's with your ex or someone new.


I don’t want my ex back, but thank you for your videos! You have gotten me through a very hard break up


If they say "have you lost weight? You look great!" they regret the breakup. When you focus on your health, your ex and lots of people you want to know will notice =)


If they can leave once, they will always do that again. Just work on yourself and move on. Life is too short to be hurting yourself in the process of no contact. I bet you, you will see life differently once you open your mind into something new rather than waiting for someone who intentionally hurt you. It's really painful because I have been there and I can tell you there are many wonderful people out there. Open your mind into loving other people and the thought of your ex will gradually fade away with time.


I’m done feeding her ego; she thinks she’s that much better than me just because I treated her right and supported her throughout the bad and good.. I know people fall out of love but having unconditional love for someone is different than always being infatuated. It’s not caring about your own ego when your with them.. it’s accepting them for everything and still being there no matter what.. this is just a cruel mind game from other influences.. that only known one side of the relationship… that’s how their ego inflates… and they start to have assumptions that they’re better than you..


Coach Lee gives us great tips and advice for going through a break up. But remember guys ultimately one who endured the pain and fought to get the Ex back was YOU. So thank yourself and thank coach lee for the tips.


Trick is not let the signs entice you to go mad pursuit OR convince yourself they mean nothing. Great insight and advice as always Coach Lee!


A month after my break up a mutual friend said my ex was drinking unhealthy at her party. While she’s trying to move on after the break up while getting on dating app a week later, I know I had an affect on her and one day she’ll realize (if she didn’t already) . Crazy my life got better after the break up, I am less focus on pleasing someone else and soon to be a law student . Life is a blessing in disguise, I love everything you preaching as I am on a heal state and journey


3/6 signs, lets go! its really looking good out here. Damn and i was crying my eyes out only a couple hours ago. Your videos are a god send. keep it up!


This video came right on time since my ex reached out to me after 9 months of no contact and a few days ago he asked if maybe there is a chance we could see each other and hang out. When I thought everything was said and done, when I was certain that I would never see him again, he reached out against all odds and asked me out... Not sure what will happen with him because I'm not giving anything for granted, but I'm sure now that your method works, your advice works. I'm glad I found you right on time when I was feeling sad. I'm doing good now due to your words.

Thank you, Coach Lee 💖


I did nothing wrong in the relationship, she chose to leave either way. She does none of the signs showing any interest and avoids me completely. She’s feeling a lot of guilt, I know that for sure, but I also know she will never confront our situation or talk about it, she would rather just quit and wallow in self pity. Tons of fun for me.


After a month of NC I broke it only to wish him a happy b-day (yea I know my bad). I actually realized that our relationship wasn't fun. He didn't treat me good and made me feel very insecure never really complimenting me, pointing out my flaws and saing "I don't understand things" I wish him the best, I do cause I know hes a troubled soul (takes 1 to know 1) but we were not a good all!!

NC does help out! You'll start to see what truly is instead of over romantizmin the things or blaming yourself!
You're gonna be fine, even better!
Trusttt me! You got thiss Kings and Queens 💕


My ex has starting reaching out to me a few days ago. To say it’s hard to show restraint is an understatement but I’m trying lol


right on time coach.
1) she didn’t want to return my clothes she wears and sleeps in. She reaches out when she feels like it, but never reaches out with anything of substance.
2) she doesn’t ask if I’m dating but she asks who I’m hanging around with and what I’m up to now.
3) she interacted with me for a while as if we were friends..
4) she interacts with my socials and will respond to my stories and is usually one of the first ones to view my stories. She also has reached out 6 different ways in the past week but nothing of any real substance.
She’s probably long gone, meanwhile I’m healing and am getting further from her myself. Maintaining NC.


Every ex has eventually tried to come back. Only after they ruined the relationship. Name calling and ghosting me does not warrant getting back together… EVER! I’m worth more than that! Bye bye. I love you Coach Lee!


For a couple of months I didn't want to take it in when you talked about working on moving on was a win even if they didn't come back, but it has really helped. It's getting longer and longer between each time I fall down again and it doesn't last as long by far.


My ex started talking to other guys before we broke up. I co fromted her about which led to a nasty break up. 6 months after I broke NC and apologized for the words I said and asked if we could fix things. She blocked me however, I was trying to fix things to help her. I moved on tho. One day you'll wake up and it wont hurt anymore.


Great video Lee. I enjoy your videos everyday bcse it reminds me of how much I've grown since my breakup. Thank you...My ex jumped into a rebound relationship 2 weeks after a 5 YEAR engagement. I have no idea how he feels or where he is, but I'll bet he misses me, his FIRST LOVE...


None of these apply to me…she has me blocked on literally everything…ugh. I’m literally unlovable.
