DMT Entities - broken down and described

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This video attempts to break down and describe the experience of psychedelic entities, in accordance with the terminology laid out within our Subjective Effect Index and in collaboration with various artists from the r/replications community.



0:00​ / Introduction
5:28 / Level 1 - Vaguely defined presence
5:58​ / Level 2 - Partially defined presence
6:28​ / Level 3 - Fully defined presence
7:02 / Level 4 - Communication styles
8:32​ / Personality Types
9:12​ / Representations of characters
10:53 / Representations of the subconscious
12:03 / Representations of the self
12:52 / Personal commentary
19:14 / Outroduction

-- MUSIC --

In order of appearance...

#psychedelics​ #replications​ #visuals
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I took an 1/8 of golden teacher mushrooms and had contact with an entity while taking a piss in the bathroom. He was some kind of native american shaman with a golden staff, beautiful rainbow robes but his face was pitch black. I asked him to help me quit my addiction to cigarettes and he said he would help but it would be painful.

Next thing i know im looking at my brain from a birds eye view, and then zoom in and land on the surface to find these black spiky pods attached to chains. The entity's voice came back and announced this is my cigarette addiction, and he proceeded to yank each spiky pod out one by one, each "pull" gave me ringing in my ears and a sharp migraine like pain in my head. After what seemed like hours, he said he was done and said farewell human.

I then went to my bed and listened to the plastic beach album by gorillas and felt intense euphoria and eventually fell asleep. I woke up the next day and went outside for my morning cigarette. I put the grit in my mouth and as soon as i flicked my lighter an intense surge of guilt overwhelmed me, like the kind of guilt as if you did the most horrible thing imaginable. I threw away my pack of cigarettes and have now been clean cold turkey for the last 11 years.


Smoked DMT once upon time and finally had that "blast off" people often explained.
Saw myself leave my slumped body at my desk, out of my room, the house, suddenly saw the clouds and the earth, firing off into darkness surrounded by stars while hearing loud wind noises as I was sucked into somewhere. Everything went quiet and here I am in darkness. Quiet. Nothing. Alone.
When suddenly a "being" appears. Now this "area" I was in lit up full brightness to this beautiful vibrant colored space. Bright orange-yellow with a slight purple-blue in-between. Geometric patterns that gradually animated.
This "being" isn't some shape but more of an energetic pulsating blur. I spoke to it not in audible words but in a mental thought kind of way. Telling it that I was afraid... It responded in a way of a bright pulse and colorful shimmers assuring me that I "mustn't be afraid. You are where you should be now". It brought me through this elaborate hallway of some sort, beautifully colored, geometric shapes moving all around.
I realized I wasn't my physical body I am used to seeing in everyday life but instead this pulsing energy, floating along with this "being". It brought me into this expansive spherical room. Same beautiful vibrant colors seen earlier, gesturing to me to "come on in". I comply, and here I am, admiring this elegant space when suddenly I encounter four more of these "beings". As if they slowly manifested into existence.
Still "feeling" the presence of the first "being" behind me I begin asking these "entities" "Where am I?"... With a response "You are safe now. You mustn't worry". Whilst being overwhelmed with this feeling of love and warmth. A great sense of welcoming and comfort. Like I am "finally home".
Bright lights exploded like mini fireworks all around me. And it felt really good. All these problems I had in life were reassured and solved right then and there through visual and and feeling through these "beings" or "entities" if you will. As if I was given the answers and insight I needed all along. I remember asking "Can I stay here with you?". Within an instant, the brightness of this space dimmed a little and I was told "It isn't your time now. You must go back. We will always be here for you"
As quickly as this trip started, I am immediately sucked away, the loud whooshing noise of wind filled my ears as I watch these "beings" witness me rocket away, everything faded to darkness and I once again see the stars, see the earth, through the clouds, see the streets of my town, then the roof of my house, and into my room where I see my slumped body and slam right into it.
Almost instantly I jerked up with a loud gasp for air and violently looked all around me, looked at my hands, clenched my fists, and took in the very room I was in. Slowly coming down from the trip and still seeing light visual fluttering and colors, I begin to realize the reality as it settled on me. I just sat there, amazed with a sense of relief and calmness. Like everything will be okay from now on.
Finally mustered the strength to go outside to get some air. It was a dry and very warm summer day in Minnesota. I stood in my backyard taking in the sight and sounds of the greenery, the birds chirping, the light breeze, the bright sun, and then up at the blue sky... smiling, feeling a sense of peace.

May be a long read but I thought I'd share this experience I had with you folks.


My first trip I encountered an entity that was a feminine energy, and it was a spider-like deity...But not like a scary spider. She was beautiful and shiny and gentle. She cared for me immensely. She took me to this beautiful space inside of this huge tree and there was a very large loom in the middle of the room with yard on bolts. I knew, instinctually, that the yarn was my being, my soul... She started weaving this beautiful tapestry with the yarn and as she would come across little specks of dirt or imperfections, she would flick them away with all her spider legs. She would straighten it out and she took such care of it, of me... And I knew she was just cleansing me, rerouting pathways, fixing damaging thoughts. It was the just the most safe, seen, accepted, and loved, that I had ever felt. I've also encountered a forest deity. I could see from a very far away view that her wrinkles were the crevices in the land, her hair was the rivers, and her eyelashes grew into enormous fluffy trees. She was stunning.


Our friend Ed has a pretty bad stutter. When we did shrooms it went away COMPLETELY the entire night. It was nuts because a bunch of new people came over that night. And when they returned the very next night, they were coming up to me like, hey man, why is he doing that? That isn't funny. He shouldn't make fun of people who stutter. And I swear to you, we had to explain to these people what magical thing had happened. It was surreal to have him like that but only for one night. There's some kind of value there


At the age of 21, I took 1000ug of lsd. My ego was annihilated. I could not remember my name, or what I looked like. During this trip, I knew there was an external presence there that was separate from my own consciousness. Like knowing your parents are in the living room, or knowing when your friend arrives at your house. I simply knew. As the trip progressed and increased in intensity, the visuals began. I pictured a grid, like a massive graphing plot. It held hues of reds, and greens. It seemed to throb and bend at my perception. I realized then that I was perceiving my 5th dimensional tangents. Every point on the graph was a separate timeline of myself. Every life I could live, every person that I could force myself to be. My primal ape brain began to panic. I could feel the balloon of anxiety swell inside of my chest. Be not afraid, I thought to myself. Was that my own voice echoing inside of my psyche? It wasn’t my own voice. It was the endless understanding of countless wise men before me. Shamanic revelations of human nature become laughably obvious. Precepts of sexuality, personality and desire were as simple and reductionist as a child’s play toy.
At that moment, I made the decision. I decided who I was supposed to be, moving forward. I willfully decided on which 5D probability chain I decided to follow. Five years later, I run my own business, have a child, and have lost over 100 pounds of excess body weight.
Do not use these substances lightly. Psychosis, mania and extreme depression are all possible side effects. Do not use these substances as a “drug”. They are a medicine, a learning tool, a stepping stone to greater understanding. God bless.


I went to the zoo while tripping on LSD back in 1974, and some of the animals knew that I was tripping. There were lots of chipmunks running around everywhere and they looked like little elves following me everywhere. The gorillas were staring at me and waving at me. Lions were giving me the death stare. I was tripping balls for most of the day. It was great.


Schizophrenia is also a window into the unknown. I worked with schizophrenics for years, and the stories they'd tell me is nearly identical to these types of stories. The real question is: what is real?


When I did dmt the first time I was in a dark realm with white lines forming baphomets face. I never felt so much dread in my life, like it was fear incarnate. When I came back I was shaken to my core. Something told me to go back and face my fear.
After two hours of fear I smoked more. This time my breakthrough was a brilliant world of geometry and impossible color, and i was filled by more love than i could imagine. I felt like i returned to the source of everything. I saw every animal, plant, and person form into one human and knew we are all the same.
I wondered why a being didnt appear to me and a voice entered my head and said "there was no need, you learned what you had to without that" I enjoyed the rest of my time exploring the realm before I came back.
Fear has never controlled me since and I am a kinder loving person and way more in tune with my emotions.


The scariest one I met was a time elf/goblin on a salvia trip. It had many arms like kali or some other Hindu deity. With clocks at the joints and the joints made the limb segments spin independently every which way like the hands of a clock. It kept spinning time forward and back, essentially cancelling itself out and keeping it still and looping. It’s name was zeegismeilgdma (pronounced like a record scratch by a dj but it echoes forever). It stretched me every which way endlessly. It let it be known to me through its mastery of everything that it was supreme and that I was unfathomably retarded and insignificant. It made me feel extremely hot yet ice cold at the same time. It would allow me to gain my identity bit by bit after solving complex alien math problems that involved going upside down and every direction and inside out to solve them, only to turn back time and wipe my brain as soon as I finished the final portion of the puzzle. What a fucking asshole.


When I did DMT, I definitely saw entities layered over my room, not just with my eyes closed. The ones that shocked me the most was a large jellyfish or mushroom creature that had tendrils connected to every living creature in the room (me, my friend, his 2 dogs). It was just floating there, as solid looking as everything else in the room, not flying around like some of the patterned creatures I saw with my eyes closed, and when it noticed that I was seeing it it interacted with me. My friend later told me that there is some connection to these beings in Aztec culture and I’ve read something about them in the Lemurian Scrolls since then, that they are just collectors of energy. I’m not sure how intelligent they were, I had the feeling that the one I saw was like a small part of large neural network. Also, literally everything is a part of your imagination. The coolest/scariest thing about DMT is realizing that we are all God, and therefore truly alone, and God is like a child playing make believe in the mirror with hand puppets and shadows. It’s fun to pretend that we exist as individuals and play the actors of a show, and someday the curtain call comes and we’ll miss those days when we were under the stage lights. After a while in the dark, the play will start once more, and we’ll get to be born over and over again as clueless points of awareness arguing over the existence of God. Enjoy the show, but don’t take it so seriously, folks.


I have taken DMT and went in with a purely open mind, and was given information that I did not already know. DMT repaired my mind and turned me into an amateur mathematician, before I had actual dyscalculia. Thanks to DMT I was able to become a mechanical engineer and pursue my highest ambitions. What I find interesting is that when I demand a question be answered, the answer is not given. If I enter open minded and expect not of anything, I am given everything. That entities refuse to answer your questions to prove their existence comes as no shock to me, it is clear that they can read your intent. They have nothing to prove to you or anyone else, they dont answer to you or vice versa.


You really nailed the DMT visuals. I’ve never seen it done so properly. This was great, thanks for this.


I noticed an entity and invited it to interact, it seemed amazing and wanted me to worship it and give myself to it, I was apprehensive and knew I shouldn’t, that’s when it turned malicious and seemed to be the devil, it sang a beautifully tragic song about how it would destroy my soul for no other reason than spite. It was dancing across the stars, and many of the stars seemed to be worshipping it.. just before I was swallowed by the void I had this clear thought: “if this is the devil…then God must be real”
Instantly, an almighty beam of light struck me from beyond the night sky, and I basked in holy and eternal love, all evil had fled… that light is what we exist for, long for. and this world is the crucible of good and evil, warring for our souls. I chose the light, because it chose me. God bless you all reading this, I hope you choose light and love too ❤️


The craziest experience I’ve ever had in my life was meeting entities after doing some ket and then smoke if DMT. As soon as I finished the dmt the room changed into just geometric visuals, than around me an Aztec like temple built itself from the ground up. I was then greeted by around 6 tall humanoid entities with no features, they were like shadows. They spoke in a language that I’d never heard, yet I understood every word. They were talking amongst themselves about me and they wanted to take me through a portal to “their world”. I refused as I still remembered being a person and it frightened me. I declined their offer and they just kind of still talked amongst themselves and too me while I looked though the portal as it showed me the stars and galaxy’s and a Birds Eye view of my house, as well as indescribable geometry. They disappeared while I gazed through their portal. I then started to come back and m the temple slowly morphed back into my room. I remember not being able to say anything other than “what the fuck” for half an hour


I've met three kinds of entities, categorized basically entirely by how they respond to me.
1) entities that do not know/do not care about my presence
2) "lesser" entities that acknowledge me
3) "greater" entities that acknowledge me

The first category seem completely alien and have zero interest in interaction with me, like I am completely inconsequential to their existence or goals or lifestyle. The second are more on my level, but usually just interact to laugh at me or play around with varying degrees of "roughness" (sometimes they're fun, sometimes they explain in detail all the reasons I suck and how little I know and how dumb I am). The third group always seem very busy with important work, but interact with me with more care and patience and always seem interested in teaching me something.


Honestly, I thank you for this video. I was going to try psychedelics to ease my depression but after hearing about the part with mindset being negative or positive will alter my trip, I will pass. I have a very negative mindset and I don't want to make myself even worse. So, thank you! <3


I had the most powerful psychedelic trip ever in my life. It felt like I was forced to watch the birth of a universe. I remember feeling so much power it was godly. The first thing i thought when I come round is there is a creator. Its changed my life forever. Since that day it feels like I'm wide awake now. I've reached a higher level of consciousness.


In may I was going through depression, I was seriously contemplating ending my life when I had a psychedelic experience that saved my life. I was tripping (with meditation music// hertz on) laying on the bed when angels and spirits (strangers and people I knew when I was younger) talk to me (but not with their words)... It made me realize that love is so much stronger than hate, love is so powerful it saved my life. I could see spirits praying for me... then an angel whispered in my ear "you're going to be a millionaire" and flew away... I disposed of my noose I made that week and haven't felt like ending it ever since. ❤️


I tried asking some guys in the gas station parking lot some questions about math and philosophy, you know, to see if they had any information I didn't already know myself to make sure they weren't part of my subconscious.

They just ignored me or scoffed "I ain't answering that crazy bullshit". I'm pretty sure that means they were a figment of my imagination.


I’ve seen full-3D visuals in space appear with open eyes on high doses of psilocybin, but I didn’t think of them as entities. Like a giant floating skull in the middle of a room, that I could walk through, leave the room, come back, and it’s still there. I never thought of that kind of thing as an entity with thoughts and feelings.
