JWST Takes INCREDIBLE SPECTRA of an Exoplanet Atmosphere

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JWST has taken incredible spectra of an exoplanet called WASP-39b. It's a planet the mass of Saturn but closer to its star than Mercury is to the Sun, so it's a very big and very hot place. These new spectra are more detailed than we've ever seen before, and revealed some surprising things about the atmosphere of the planet. Enjoy!



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really underrated videos, nice breakdown and explanation!


Wish all the best for your channel. Really inspiring stuff!


This is one of the most exciting videos you’ve shown, Chris. It is unbelievably exciting for showing just what the JWST is capable. The amount and detail of the information revealed is staggering, and bodes well for the discovery of tryouts remarkable spectra of numerous planets and other astronomical objects which in turn will reveal some mind boggling information. Many thanks, Chris, for such a well presented video conveying so much in such a short time


Really appreciate the detailed look at the various instruments and the data they produce on the JWST. Good stuff


Fantastic video as always, and an excellent deployment of Betteridge's Law in the thumbnail 😛


Super channel! Thanks for these amazing videos. Huge work! By the way hello from Ukraine. 💪


Do you think JWST be able to find some non "metallic" stars using it's spectrum analyzer ? I've always wondered why we haven't found any primordial stars yet. Could it be that "metals" were present after the big Bang or that we just haven't been able to find stars that are old enough ?

Thanks for the great video I find them always enlightening


Sulphur dioxide was an important atmospheric chemical in earth's early history - pre-cambrian and in fact pre-ediacaran - the first eras with multicellular life


What?!! How did I miss this video 😨. Hmmm, I’d better stop sleeping, maybe then i won’t miss videos 😂


Do you know the exact date when jwst is gonna see trappist 1 exoplanets I was also wondering when will james webb reveal the MIRI details about neptune... I desperately want to see the miri image of Neptune.


Hey Chris! Great video! Lousy sound though.

You did good, kiddo. Getting that, T-shirt collar, lavalier microphone. Good move. However… The acoustics of your room, are dreadful. Which, little can be done with. Without spending, hundreds if not thousands of, British pounds. To make the room, sound much better. This is not necessary.

What is necessary dearest Chris. Is what we call a, Microphone Processor. Which contain: a reasonable microphone preamp. Suitable for music recording and the spoken word. A high pass filter switch a.k.a., low-cut, bass cut. Then followed by a frequency response modifier. With low frequency and high frequency controls. Followed by a, very important, very necessary, adjustable, dynamic range limiter. Which keep your, , articulated transients, under control. Not only preventing overload. It also bringing up, the low volume of dropped words. To a more intelligible listening level.

That limiter then. Is followed by a, downward expander a.k.a., De-Noiser. Which in turn, tightens up the room acoustics. To be less ambient and echoy.

Numerous devices by numerous manufacturers, are available. That manufacturers such, microphone processors. Some used ones such as, DBX 286's. Available for around, $100 US. Whereas the, Avalon unit. Costs considerably more. And really does the same damn thing as the affordable DBX or others similar to the DBX. By various other manufacturers. Check your online music store supplier for details. Whereas other vocal processing enhancers, have cost a lot more in the past. Like my Dolby A-361 with the, CAT-22 card and remote controller. Which in its day cost better than, $4000 US in, 1974. And the DBX 286 does essentially the same thing. Created many years later. Aunt super affordable. It'll make a huge difference for you Chris. You'll get more viewers. I can almost guarantee that. As I've been doing it for others since, 1978. Actually as far back as almost 1973. I've been at this for a while. Later culminating in 20 years spent as a senior, first call, primary, Audio Engineer. For, NBC-TV & Radio in, Washington, DC. At the top of the audio engineering heap! After having cut, tens of thousands of commercials. For international, advertising agency. Before my NBC days. Because they needed someone with my skills and talent. To make certain. Not a single word gets misinterpreted or misunderstood. And that takes just a little bit of processing. Which they use on every one of the major network television news anchors, hosts. They all get a microphone processor. That's what makes them sound extremely slick and professional. And because someone like me, , required it and tweaked it. Two more perfectly and effortlessly, , get the message across, accurately.

You are already halfway there son. With your lavalier microphone. Now for the next stage.