The New Ultra-Deep Image of the JWST! Have We Made a Crucial Mistake?

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The new ultra-deep image from the James Webb Space Telescope is causing a sensation! Could it be that we have completely misunderstood the origin of the universe? This image raises fundamental questions and could change everything we thought we knew about the beginnings of galaxies. Are you ready to challenge your view of the universe? Join us in delving into this fascinating discovery!
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It's really incomprehensible how massive the milky way galaxy is, and it's just a speck in the bit of universe we can observe. Everything on scales of size and distance our minds truly cannot understand.


When you have a galaxy older then the universe then you have what I call crossover of universes where a galaxy from a distant universe reaches our universe


Scientists has not realised it yet but the 'Hubble constant' proves that the universe is infinite as we are not the centre of the universe and at every point in the universe, the Hubble Constant is true. Think about it


What is it with every other video just combining stock video library shite with an AI generated and spoken audio track. Lazy.


One mistake might be that "empty" space has no mass, but all the photons, neutrinos & other particles travelling through say a galactic area isn't zero & should be added to the mass of the known matter in a galaxy. I call this idea "Ambient Mass".


If the authors can't make their primary point in less than 5 minutes, I'm gone. Too much extraneous babble about well know facts.


I believe the universe has an end only to find another universe next to it and so on and so on .the bubble theory


So I’m just a kid and don’t really know much. But in my experience, this allows for a perspective that can easily be missed by people who do understand everything about the topic being discussed. So I noticed that it was mentioned that the galaxies are moving faster, proportionate to how far they are from the observer. So if that’s the case does that mean that there is a consistency in speed of movement of mass depending upon its distance from the observer? So let’s say that 2 galaxies of exact same mass also at the exact same distance from the observer moving at the exact same speed away from the observer where another galaxy of let’s say half the mass and also is half the distance. So would the half mass galaxy be moving exactly proportionately away slower then the bigger and further two? Because if that is in-fact the case, then why do we have to use dark matter and its mass causing gravity to cause these mass’s to move away faster at further distances? Wouldn’t it be possible that since we do know the universe is expanding that things closer to the center would be moving slower and things at the further points away be moving faster? Just the same as if you blow up a balloon the outside of the balloon will move away faster then the space located in half of the diameter of the balloon? So if the galaxies are in positions some closer to the outer edge and some closer to the inner portion of the universe, would it not be expected for them to move at different speeds? And because the universe is so massive you would expect extreme differences of speeds. Maybe I’m looking at this wrong but I just don’t see why we feel the need to include something like dark matter which hasn’t been observed or proven. I can think of quite a few more possible reasons of the movement of mass differences in our universe which can be tested with math equations rather then adding in a variable which we cannot prove or calculate. Because adding that variable inevitably forces the equation to break down. So I guess I must be missing something.


The universe is infinite, Mater pools, Over time the number of points it pools into in a given area decreases, the gravity wells increase in strength, This stretches the space between them creating the illusion of and expanding galaxy, there should be different rates in different directions. Being infinite it can not collapse only stretch between the growing pools. Due to matter distribution never being totally even through the universe there should be different stretching rates in different places and over time differing rates. A correlation has been found recently with Black hole growth and expansion rates which is interesting in itself.


This would all make bubble theory makes more sense


How long have we been here? We're the infants of the galaxy (so far) and we have a lot to learn yet. If we don't wipe ourselves out.


Their was a big bang and many big band after and still going on


Scientists has not realized yet that this is impossible without a creator, big bam is just an imagination of the incredulous


Traditional science fiction hahaha, so we know absolutely nothing apparently. That leaves much room for new theories and interpretations of what we are seeing in the universe


Dark matter never made sense to me. It reminded me of their "time travel" speed of light trick that they kept talking about for likes. We know if you go faster than light you can play visual tricks, doesn't really mean clocks slow down and you can age slower etc etc. Glad we have some real science to concentrate on now.


We know lots about the infinite ♾️ space. Peace ✌️ 😎.


All speculation; that is why it's being disproven.


When a man and a woman make a baby do we know what makes the embryo divide or what makes it speed up then later slow down, what makes the embryo double in size just before it's done dividing and moving into shape change


Humanities best guess is no more than that. A guess using little more than an incredibly small peephole on a subject that we will probably never understand unless we meet a civilisation millions of years more advanced than us & even then it probably isn’t the whole story. This A.I generated piece of click bait garbage is not worth the effort to watch. If you’re young & thirsty for knowledge entertain a healthy sceptical sense of what these leaches put before you. You cant go wrong when you continually ask… But why???? Eventually you’ll get to the truth which is… WE DON’T KNOW WHY.


Don't no why they worry so much it keeps them in a job 😂
