Algebra 1| Exercises 1, 1* (Video 1) IGCSE MATHS

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The term "algebraic equation" dates from the time when the main problem of algebra was to solve univariate polynomial equations. This problem was completely solved during the 19th century; see Fundamental theorem of algebra, Abel–Ruffini theorem and Galois theory.

Since then, the scope of algebra has been dramatically enlarged. In particular, it includes the study of equations that involve nth roots and, more generally, algebraic expressions. This makes the term algebraic equation ambiguous outside the context of the old problem. So the term polynomial equation is generally preferred when this ambiguity may occur, specially when considering multivariate equations.
Рекомендации по теме

Mashallah sir amazing explanation jazakallah khair keep going on sir


Thank you so much sir amazing explaination plz upload more exercises of this concept
