68. OBEY the wood laws! #mtbitesize #shorts

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Before it’s time to grab the wood glue and clamps to put a couple boards together, there are 2 fundamental things to understand when working with wood. First, Wood is hygroscopic (which just means that due to water moisture in the air the wood either absorbs or releases that moisture). This means, wood always moves and never stops moving. Second, Any attempt to stop wood from moving will do nothing but cause problems. Guaranteed.

Back in 51 and 60, we talked about successful glue joints due to grain orientation and surface area. I’ve had a few comments that pointed to these being wrong due to a video they found on YouTube. It’s important to understand that glue joints don’t just need to be strong when the clamps are taken off, but down the road as the act of moisture is absorbed and released. Ignoring these rules and not finding ways to work with the wood you’re using will end, every time, in failure. Remember, it’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

Thank you to my patrons!

Michelle B
Keith Current
William L McNally
Jerry Adams
Tommy QR
Zach Finch
Rich Lightfoot
James T.

Рекомендации по теме

Hey Makers! I know a few jokes about carpentry…I just wasn’t sure if they woodwork.


I love that you dug up that old Chiffon commercial clip. That had to be before your time, though. I barely remember it and I could have sworn you were younger than me.


The music sounds like the most rhythmic factory in the world


Just say “son, I’m showing you Ethan Allen not IKEA “
