How Bird Wings Work (Compared to Airplane Wings) - Smarter Every Day 62
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I hope you never look at a bird in flight the same way again. I know I won't!
Artist Info:
Gordon, the guy in charge of "Scary Parrot Monsters" at the end of the video wrote this song. It's called "Black Rhino"... and is available for download online:
(If I did this right these should be working Amazon affiliate links to purchase the stuff I like to use. When people purchase from these links it will support Smarter Every Day.)
Things I use and like:
How to get there yourself!:
I coordinated the travel with Rainforest Expeditions
Tell them Destin sent you.
They ran me up and down the river in a boat, gave me lenses, a clean bed, awesome food etc. It was pretty amazing!
See the research project's website here:
The project is led by Dr. Don Brightsmith
Schubot Exotic Bird Health Center
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
Jeff Cremer was my hook-up for all things photography once I got on site. He's very good at technical photography and is more than capable of handling anything you can throw at him. Check out his chops and tell him Destin sent you:
How Bird Wings Work - Smarter Every Day
How Wings Work -- A reference for creature props
How do you clip a wing?
how to clip your birds wings (with call ducks)

Why clip feathers? An Interview of Kelly
Changing feathers while still being able to fly?
Don't bail out! Keep going!

Biomimicking a Bird?
A robot that flies like a bird
Huge variety of feather shapes all from the same bird
Feather Structure
You Completed Deep Dive #2 !!
Instead of saving for my kids' college, I make videos using the money I would have saved.
The thought is it will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for their education. Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please share the video. If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars towards their college fund by clicking here:
Warm Regards,