He Beat Cancer TWICE and Now Steve Wants To Share His Secrets with YOU!

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He Beat Cancer TWICE and Now Steve Wants To Share His Secrets with YOU! - Saturday Strategy

Today I am excited to introduce you to one of my good friends, Steve Fillmore. Steve is a 42-year-old flight attendant from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has beat cancer not only once, but twice. Seven months ago Steve was bald and just barely overcoming his second bout of cancer. Just look at him now! We are lucky to have him here with us to share his story of hope as well as give us some tips to maintaining vibrant health.

A few years ago Steve was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He decided on surgery to cut the cancer out of his body. The surgery was successful.

Exactly one year later the cancer came back in the form of a tumor in near his spine. Steve decided to use chemotherapy in order to kill the cancer and get rid of the tumor.

Steve learned a lot of techniques that helped pull him through tough times including a good mindset and positive affirmations. Steve successfully beat his cancer and is now living a life full of good foods to help keep him strong.

Now healthy and with a full head of hair, Steve shares his story of hope with anyone who needs some light and also has lots of tips on how to maintain good health and vitality.

Organifi Green Juice
Essential Oils
Organic Food

Steve’s story is one of hope. I know there are a lot of you out there who are fighting your own battles and are experiencing your darkest days. I know you are searching for a light. I want you to know that we are here for you. There are people like Steve all over the world who have overcome the most difficult illnesses and disease. It is possible to regain health and vitality.

Remember, we’re in this together.

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Рекомендации по теме

I know the feeling, been there. Am a female, single parent with a 31yr old son and also a survivor of cancer twice, 2004 and 2011. Had undergone 30 radiation treatment and 6 sessions of Chemotherapy twice . Currently am on the age of 60yrs - looking between 40 & 60 with no signs of wrinkles. Am also having raw food juices & I exercise reglarly. Proud of my achievements.


I am fighting cancer for the second time in 4 years, and this time around I'm not doing treatment. It's going to be 3 months since I went full organic/vegan/ green juices/IV C/and a shit load of natural supplements and herbs. I feel amazing! I have strong faith God has healed me. I am pending an exam from my new hollistic doctor to refer me as I just want to monitor my healing, since my cancer center ignored my many emails after I declined their standard treatment. I'm not alone, God led me to find a natural way to heal this 2nd time so I can help others and I know God's way is working.


I’m 22 years old with stage 4 cancer (second time around) so glad I watched this video. Thank you so much.


Thanks for sharing your story. I lost my aunt and one of my grandmothers this year to cancer. Now my other grandmother have cancer and is going through chemo. I have had some genetic testing done and I have the genetic cells for cancer. I am changing my life now. It is hard but it is worth every step!


Thank you Steve for sharing your story and testimony. I was recently diagnose with Breast Cancer for a second time and once again I'm in for the fight of my life. Thank you


Hi, I am a mother of six and grandmother of 11 and counting, I raised my children as a single parent and incurred so much stress. I spent the last five years very sick with endometriosus, the doctors all kept telling me I had cancer but the biopsies kept saying I didn't, I was so blood depleted I had to have transfusions every week along with vitamin D and B shots, and taking prescription hormones that cost almost 400.00 a month. finally I had the operation I didn't want to have and had a complete hysterectomy. Since then I have been watching you drew along with the life regenerator and started blending, I can't afford a juicer yet but I am working on being a vegan. I loved your spot about making a trophy room so I am sewing banners to put up all over my RV where I live v full time now, reminding myself on who I really am. My sickness caused me to be depressed and the hormone therapy caused me to gain 50 pounds. I am now starting to get my groove back and reclaimer myself, off all medications except vitamins. I want to believe that the rest of my years can be better than the first part of my life which was very bitter sweet. Thank you drew for your inspiration that is a pillar for me. By the way, how do you become a Fit For Life coach?


i just want to say that i will be turning 59 april 21 and I am really trying to avoid sickness & diseases .my pastor said last night that lots of people are sick because we have unforgiveness in our hearts and we have to learn how to forgive and let go and be healed plus smoothing and juicing goes a long way I love all your videos it's very encouraging...thank you..


You're an inspiration, Steve. Congrats on beating cancer! I wish you the best and happiest life with your good health and husband! :D


Well done Steve, great witness to the power of the mind. Thank you for shareing your POWER of healing, your COMMITMENT


Right on thanks for sharing I've been fighting cancer for 4 years!!!! I truly believe that we need to share what our journey has been with others that are going through this nightmare. I'm also a big believer in equine therapy, my horses helped me through some of my darkest times. Congratulations to you!!!! Keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, and you will see it gets brighter the closer you get to the end of your treatment. Your mind set will be a huge part of your success!!! 😊


God is a good God. You are healed. Amen


Bless his heart. What a great testimony. Awesome video as always, Drew. Love to Steve.


I'm a 34 year old Male with Blood Cancer. This is inspiring. I'm on Chemo pills right now ( Jakafi ), and have been totally against it since day one, but I'm being open to it while trying to go the holistic route as well. I refuse to give up and just found this very helpful to watch. what sucks the most though, is the HIGH PRICE it cost to eat/Live healthy. $$$$


Super hero for sure! Way to go! Drew, you and your guests are such an inspiration! I will be starting my 5 day detox tomorrow. I love fresh juice but also fear the fast.  Thank you for helping me through this!


This is such an amazing story, so brave and coming through all of that is truly inspirational.
There has been a lot of cancer in my family and it always seemed like it was a death sentence but attitude seems to have such an effect.
I am going to start the juicing lifestyle and I'm excited to see what difference it makes to my health and body!


Its really great to see people like you with very powerful determination to live. Your faith saved you my dear brother.


I have stage 4 breast cancer and so glad my friend Delvin talk to me about all this natural stuff do and ways and this happened january 2018 and did six quemo and some other things but I'm going to put this diet in process I was still eating unhealthy but got to the point I need to be serious about it's my life so my new process just stared Nov 31 and I feel so much energy can't wait to see more results and and making my videos to see God bless you you all .


Just found your website & like what I see. Been dealing with cancer for 7 years & always looking for positive people like you & me that are hoping to completely heal cancer naturally. Have a wonderful day! Cat


My wife had breast cancer, estogen, progesterone based back in 2015, one side. She chose to a double mastectomy. It came back 2018 local to the same left breast. She had reconstructive surgey again on that side. We thought she was good. Now June of 2023 it metastasize. Now hormone therapy, 2 injections plus ibrance. Not too mention pluea effsion (lungs) from the cancer. Drain insert put in, nurse or i will drain the fluild. We take out 600ml every two days. Its been about 3 months, the fluild is subsiding at every drain now. Yesterday only 280ml came out wich is better. They say it takes 2-3 months before the hormone therapy kicks in. What a nightmare😢 to watch your love one go through this. I am trying my hardest to be stong for her and our young adult sons. We purchsed a juicer and will look into the varoius types of juice that helps kicks cancer cells butt.


My best friend from back home is fighting thru cancer and is dealing w/ chemo once every three weeks. I purchased Organifi for him to try as he doesn't have a juicer; hopefully he likes it as I do and it'll change his mindset. Thanks Drew for being an inspiration and sharing with us.
