Ep #012 | How Marisa Peer Beat Cancer Twice With This Powerful Mental Technique

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Is it possible to heal your body through the power of the mind? Marisa Peer talks about the mind-body connection and shares how her recovery periods from cancer (twice) and a horrific-14-point leg fracture were dramatically shorter thanks to the healing power of mindset.

Join me in this episode of The Mindvalley Show where Marisa unveils the power of mind-body connection, and how we can use our minds to direct positive energy toward our bodies to command itself to heal and improve health.

Key Takeaways:
00:00 Intro
01:00 Commanding Your Body To Heal Itself
03:00 Your Job Is To Think Better Thoughts
05:00 Your Mind Acts on Your Beliefs
12:30 Recovering From Womb Cancer
14:00 Do Not Take Ownership of Any Disease
15:30 The D.I.C.C.C Technique
24:00 Shifting Into Love For Your Body
25:00 It Only Works In The Present Tense
27:00 You Must Be Specific with Your Commands
33:30 Directing Your Mind with Language
38:30 The Directed Healing Method

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1. Download and Open Mindvalley App
2. Go to Meditation Tab
3. Click on the Search icon, and type in the name/author of the meditation
4. Play and meditate

#MarisaPeer #MindBodyConnection #Healing
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She’s right. I had Gilman barre syndrome from a vaccine when I was 11. Hospitalized and told I was paralyzed for life and best case scenario was to be paralyzed from the legs down. I told them to f*ck off, they are full of it and it doesn’t apply to me. I will heal myself and you can’t stop me. I told all the doctors that I would be fully recovered by the spring and they can come watch me play. I fully believed that I could heal no matter what any others told me. Nobody believed in me, except for me. Sick kids kept telling me it’s impossible. I fully recovered, played on my team that spring and made the all star team as a pitcher.


When I was 18 years old I had a rare form of cancer. I had an operation to remove the tumor and took chemotherapy. I was told I would die if I did not have a hysterectomy. I refused..I was told I would never have kids. I fought it and kept a positive attitude. I'm now 56 and have 2 grown healthy sons. I believe in what you are saying because it worked for me. WORDS are powerful.
Jesus said its not what you put in your mouth it's what comes out of your mouth.


I had stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to the liver . All gone, I found meditation, my bloods were improving before I commenced medication.
We have the power to heal . Trust & believe in yourself.


As an ovarian cancer survivor who stopped my chemo (near killed me) was told, "I'll come visit your grave." by the oncologist...and lived. 27 years later I get lymphoma FROM this chemo in all likelihood (as with her)...and now NO chemo, NO rad. This will heal (bone lymphoma) because that part was injured in Iraq and I never got a Purple Heart because women were not allowed in combat til 2017--so no one ever wrote us up. MY SADNESS and ANGER was concentrated there, til my bone got lymphoma! so, LET GO all the anger you store, the sadness. It's not so much think better thoughts. It is RELEASE the negative w/o stuffing it down. Release and let go. You WILL heal. There is always an emotional reason for EVERY illness no matter how serious! TRY!


17yrs ago I was told I had stage 4 cancer. I did have an operation and chemo. I did this in a different country to where I reside as it was not a good thing to do it here. I was away for around 10 moths. Came home just as my hair had started to grow back. I started to get awful pain in my feet, souls. I read a lot about it and all I read was how people were suffering from this. I personally thought “no” I will fight this. So I got a treadmill and exercised every morning and played the Gloria Gaynor song on full blast, changed the lyrics as I sang along and sang “ your not welcome anymore” I’ve got all my life to live, so go etc. The more I moved my feet the better ever day they got and the rest of my body. Tell it to “f___ off”. Scream it sometimes then let it go. Stop dwelling in the misery of it all. 100% for a long long time I stopped all processed foods, SUGAR, and a lot of dairy. Cut the sugar, that doesn’t mean all fruits but don’t overload on fruits either.


“Your faith has made you well” Matthew 9:22


When I was in my early 30's I was told I wouldn't walk again after a spinal injury. I remember blocking my ears so I wouldn't hear the consultant discuss me in the room next door. From then on I imagined new neural connections lighting up throughout my body and guess what, I can walk.


The point is don't let disease or illness try to control your life, you have the power to eliminate it.🙌🔥


I shrinked my breast tumour and healed my thyroid, not just improved but fully healed within a year both conditions
, same time. I am a student of Marisa and licensed RTT therapist. Your mind is the BOSS, it does know how to handle it all, if only you don't freak.


Healing affirmation (repeat 3 times): I direct, I instruct, I command, I compel, I code (fill in the bank) to work perfectly, as nature intended it to.


I believe it 100% and done it intuitively in my last five years. I stopped my thyroid medication that I had for 44 years. I am done with this crazy health system, no vaccine of any kind, no foods with labels and a positive and grateful mind. So I love to listen these videos❤️


Thank you. I have been paralysed through a twist of the neck 3 yrs ago and am struggling to walk.
I had cancer in 2014 and didn’t own it and have recovered completely. Learning to walk again is my main aim. I have done reiki healing and it worked. This is a reminder to re enlist my faith. Mind over matter. Wonderful to find you here. Luv & light to you . ❤


My mom was diagnosed with cancer not too long along, I was told by a doctor at midnight while taking her to Casualty that she won't make it and that her current condition won't change, instead she would die any hour from now, this was one of her last days. Instead the person got up days later, responded to medication and through the power of prayer she is undergoing treatment.


✔️ Min 40:14 Meditation begins 🧘‍♀️ I direct, I instruct, I command, I compel, , I code… (insert your desire) to work perfectly as nature intended. ☺️🙏🏻💫 🧠


I once broke my wrist
After 2 months of regular doctor therapy I was told I would never move my wrist again
I refused to believe that so I walked away saying
In less than 1 year I’ll be able to do 1000 push ups in less than 1 hour
I started from not even 1 because my wrist was not working
Before the year I did my 1000 in sets of 50
I learnt I can heal myself if choose to gather strength from within and ignore all outer noise and voices
We are incredibly powerful


This is solid GOLD. At 19:50 he’s describing the increase in symptoms based on diagnoses and self talk. This happened to me on my fertility journey with AMH levels, they were imperfect by my doctors standards & the faux-ominous lab work paired with my doctors rhetoric scared me and weeks later my AMH levels plummeted even further 😂🩷 luckily what I learned is that I am DEFINITELY in control of my body. 6 months later I’m pregnant with healthy twins going into my 3rd trimester! Fear not ladies, WE are indeed in charge! ❤


This is why I will not get any Cancer screening. We all get Cancer & in most cases it comes & goes without any awareness on our part. But if the screening picks up on anything, instantly fear kicks in due to all the scare-mongering around it.


As someone who had the privilege of interviewing Marisa in the past, I can attest to the profound impact her insights have had on my life and those of my listeners. Her ability to tap into the mind-body connection is truly remarkable. Thank you for shedding light on this life-changing perspective!


I have been trained by Marisa in her method, RTT, and by other hypnotherapists. I truly believe that if we keep saying something to ourself, and we believe it, our whole being will do all that is possible to make it happen. Human beings hold to their beliefs very tightly and don’t let go easily. The way we talk to ourselves can build us up or tear us down and even make us have more success or fail. Our bodies are designed to heal. However, if we are filled with fear, with people who tell us we are going to remain sick, and with a victim mentality, we are less likely to achieve healing. This is very apparent in many aspects of our life. The energy goes on what we focus on.


Marissa Peer is the greatest living Teacher when it comes to understanding the power of our mind to heal and create. God bless her for many decades to come❤
