Walking After Injury - Non Weight Bearing to Full Weight Bearing

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In this video, Maryke explains why you need to transition gradually from walking non weight bearing to full weight bearing. She also shares tips on how you can overcome the fear of having to suddenly start trusting the injured limb again. It includes an exercise demo of various ways in which you can get yourself used to carrying full weight on your leg and not end up limping as you walk.

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00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:04 Why you should transition gradually from non weight bearing
00:02:36 Overcoming the fear of walking
00:05:08 Exercises for equal weight bearing - demo
00:13:54 How we can help

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Рекомендации по теме

No one talks about the fear thank you for discussing this


Broke my ankle on 12.3.23. Almost 5 weeks out and currently on crutches with partial weight bearing. What a big learning it's been! Thank you for all of the detailed and clear explanations


I was involved in a head on car crash that wasn’t my fault fractured my tibia and fibula and also fractured my knee cap/patella . Not to mention my hip was fractured as well so let’s just say learning to walk again has really humbled me but the fear in the brain I just have to let go of 😢to anybody who needs encouragement you GOT this ! No pain no gain 🎉


Nasty tibia plateau fracture. Went to physical therapy today and I was terrified. I expressed my fears to the therapist. Best thing I did. My knee is pretty locked up but I trusted her enough to move my leg down. Now that I'm past the fear, I feel like I'll progress better. Great video.


Thank you so much for making this video. ❤
I'm in non weight bearing now and a bit afraid to my transition to weight bearing. Thank you for including the mental factor needed for that transition


8 weeks out and still relying on a cane. Thank you for dealing with the fear. My fear is falling as it was a fall that caused my hip fracture. My therapist has shown me these exercises so I am looking forward to walking unaided. Hip healed beautifully from the surgery.
Your video is so helpful!


Hello I broke my ankle and needed surgery and am now on weight bearing I've not been able to really move my foot but this video helped me I tried it a few days ago and little bye little I'm on the road to being able to walk again that you so much❤


This is a phonomenal video! I had a knee replacement, which is supposed to be able to bear weight right away, but I was terrified to walk. Even at 6 months after surgery I still use a cane. I know a lot of it is fear in my mind of falling. I’ve looked and looked for videos to overcome the fear of walking after surgery, and this is one of the only ones I’ve found and it is incredible! Wonderful advice, delivered in a very clear and concise way. Thank you for putting this video together and helping people!


So glad this popped up on my YouTube feed. I am at 4 wks non weightbearing from tibial plateau fracture and mcl avulsion fracture and developed blood clots. The depression has been horrible but after watching this video. I have hope. My ortho PA gave me a hinged race at 2 weeks and. Said weight bearing as tolerated. All my research said non weightbearing for at least 6 wks. Told physio and she researched and said no weight bearing
That same PA ignored my calf pain when I asked if possible blood clot. Week later, ER for blood clot diagnosis. Moral: research for yourself so you can address issues and concerns. This video is o godsend! Thank you so much.


I broke my ankle super bad last year. I learned to walk again all by myself, using YouTube videos lol


extremely helpful talking about the fear!


I broke my ankle in 2 places. February 23/24
Had surgery March 8th . 3 nights in hospital. I have a plate and 10 screws.
in a walking boot. for the last 7 weeks. but able to put my weight now for 3 weeks. little at a time.
went to therapy 2 times so far. but was give things to do at home. NOW !! on the 22 of March, I'm to go into a sneakers 👟 I AM SO WORRIED about this. onthe25 I go to therapy and so ill wait till them. But this is such a process. And I thank you so much, for all your help. Even my Dr. never tell me this ❤


5 weeks post op (ACL and Meniscus repair) still on partial weight bearing with 2 crutches. Starting this exercise now and will let you guys know the results after 2 weeks.


Thank you for this video. I broke my ankle in 3 places on May 20 2024 ( surgery 2 plates and screws) and at the same time sprained the other ankle very badly. I was in the hospital for 12 days. My sprained ankle is mostly recovered now but still very weak but I wear a shoe on it. My right ankle is now in an Air cast. I now walk with a 2 wheeled walker but want to progress to walking normally. This video is very helpful and also dealing with the fear helps. Thanks again.


2 months ago, I fell off a step stool, and injured my foot with a tendinitis diagnosis. In an air cast for 6 wks. No weight bearing, after 2 months, just now starting to do partial weight bearing. Your video has shown me how to lessen the fear that I have about walking again. THANK YOU SO MUCH


Mid January I fell and broke my acetabulum and pelvis. Doc put me back together again with plates and screws but I was zero weight bearing for 11 weeks. During that time, I found your video. I’ve watched several times and again tonight as I prepare for PT beginning next week. Thank you.


Thank you! You explained everything so well. Most doctors do not take the time to cover this.


Your videos are amazing. I've unfortunately had bad care through an MCL tear, and should have been doing so much more. Your videos are already helping in just less than a day. Thank you


I am 77, fell and have multiple fractures to pelvis. So painful but pain starting to decrease. Only been 3 weeks and physical therapist comes to see me 2x a week...not easy but pushing through. Fear has been a big factor. This video is very helpful especially in helping me to focus on each area of my injured right side as I do my exercises. Will be 3 months or more before I can drive again. One year recovery. Hard not to feel gloomy at times. Saving this video so I can watch every day. I can't put full weight on my right leg for quite a while but I can do heel-toe exercise, find my center and retrain my brain. Thank you for this. Wishing everyone a perfect recovery. 💞


Thank you so much! This video has helped me to re-learn walking after my fracture healed. I am now able to walk around my home without using one crutch. It has been quite an ordeal.
