Xbox One with Kinect Review (2014)

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After a year of updates, the Xbox One is no longer the same console it was last year. Accordingly, we've gone back, taken a fresh look at the system, and updated our review.

In fact, we've now got two separate reviews - if you want the version without Kinect, click here:
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I'm a Playstation fan, but what Microsoft did in the last twelve months to improve the experince on Xbox One, has been impressive. I'm going to purchase this sometime in 2015, continuing my tradition of owning both Sony's & Microsoft's console every generation since the original Xbox & PS2. Kudos to Microsoft!


I have a dream where Xbox and PS4 will come together.... AS BROTHERS!!!

(one person in the background starts to slowly clapping while the person beside says no.)


I would never give up Kinect. I love using it and it feels perfect for the most part. I don't use the gesture controls, just the mic and camera. It's nice for Twitch and the voice commands (apart from Xbox Unsnap) work nearly perfect for me every time.


See this guy knows what he's talking about. I'm not sure about those guys at gamespot.


Xbox One has superior games and a superior controller. Sorry but its true.


Playstation always has the better scores and always sales the most consoles. No surprise here.


Real (console) fans are actually the ones playing the console, not trying to be heard on the Internet. All these comments are so sad by comparing each console, if the console is so good, then why aren't you playing it at this moment? How can you even compare the two if YOU haven't compared the two yourself, then that's when you can ultimately decide which console is better. Not by one guy on the Internet. Each have differences, no shit but what fun would it be if both consoles were the same? Each console has their own preferences like PS4 ha beibg better specs and Xbox having better exclusives. It's whatever, this is why the world if filled with un-productive losers. I bet all of the console fan add can't even remember half the stuff they learned in school but can remember the hard drive space of a game. This world is sad, just shut up and enjoy your console! :)
And shout out to you because you actually sent lazy and have the time to read this comment!


The Xbox One is already bad when compared to the PS4. And it's only going downhill for Xbox yet again in 2015 with Sony's big games like The Order 1886, Bloodborne, and of course the almighty Uncharted 4 just to name a few. Not to mention December 6th there will be lots of big announcements for PlayStation


There's no point in looking at the comments. We all know that Sony fans is going to kill the comment section. They watch every Xbox video just to dislike and write a whole paragraph on how bad it is. Is that all y'all got to do ps fans? I thought your console supposed to be better so why are ya on YouTube bashing Xbox? Pure sad.


more games, more features, more updates

Xbox wins


Even tough I am an Xbox fan I don't hate the PS4 and I hate on how people cant like both


Is just get's me mad how all this ps4 fanboys are all ignorant. dont get me wrong i love ps4 but clearly the xbox one is better for now. it has more games and the interface is much better then the ps4. Is just crazy how the ps4 fanboys been having alot of trouble with the ps4 but no they still decided to be fanboys. Just be real and grow up. When the ps4 gets better then the xbox one then i will honestly say that the ps4 is better then the xbox one. is that simple. The ps4 got hack twice already and some people cant even get online. This are stuff that are happening right now. Is just blows my minds how the ps4 fanboys are so blind. Like i said i love my ps4 some of the games are great and the system is great but for now the xbox one is a little better just because it has better games.


Buying the connect now is pointless. After the price drop it's actually a decent value for gaming, why would I pick up a terrible camera add on instead of an extra game or two?


Sadly, I think (for once) gave a better review of the Xbox one than Gamespot.
They talked about the positives and the negatives!


I am an Xbox One Fanboy and I congratulate PS4 for having a 0.3pt advantage over the Xbox One.. =) I really hope all of us Next-Gen console owners are enjoying our preferred Next-Gen console.


As PCMasterRace sits back and enjoys these peasant fights


As a PS4 owner I almost myself when I saw the batteries in the controller, and you can't use normal headphones without an adapter? Just another Microsoft (paywall) to headphones. Got your own? Pay Microsoft before you can use them. What I joke. With the amount I game, I'd be paying hundreds a month in batteries. Controller died late at night? Guess your making a trip to your local 711.


I was planning on buying the ps4 once i get on vacations but i dont know if i should, the playstation community seems like is full of kids or dumb people (like in the comments)
I alredy have somewhat good pc and an xbox 1 so i was thinking if i ps4 or wiu?


Ah.. seeing this kind of videos makes me happy because I don't have any Xbox or PS. Now I'm 14 I was watching this kind of videos in the age of 8. I always wanted one Xbox console. and when I became 13 I got a Xbox one s. But it didn't last long I played it about 3 days and it just broken. I wasn't turning onn. .... I think I don't have the luck but most of you guys have. my luck is to watch unboxing and review videos in my old laptop.


The Ps4 Has Boned The Xbox1 for the Second year in A Row !
