How Microsoft Got So Big #Shorts

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You might be surprised at how Microsoft became such a behemoth. #Shorts
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Every billionare: I'm 100% self made
Also every billionaire: * has rich parents that introduced them to the right people *


Also; microsoft kept apple alive to make sure they didn't get any anticompetitive law suits
Edit: apparently this is a common misconception. Michael MJD - Microsoft saved Apple explains this


Actually the reason Microsoft became so big was breaking the law.

MS when they made Windows introduces a "bug" that made it work badly on Dr.DOS, their biggest competitor, which allowed them to monopolize on DOS OS. Eventually they got sued, lost and had to pay a few million dollars, which was nothing comparing to billions they earned from that illegal move.

Later they did similar thing in DirectX vs OpenGL, where they officially "no longer supported OpenGL" but in practice they shipped heavily outdated version of OpenGL with windows, so that software using OpenGL would look like its worse than DirectX while in reality DirectX was about 2-5 years behind OpenGL.


You forgot that MS did not really develop DOS as it was just an acquisition of Seattle Computers. The OS should have been Digital Research's CP/M but Gary never dropped that price.


And his father being millionaire and a well connected individual with elites of US (hospital boss) could have played some role too.


nepotism, my favorite type of a garage startup


No tech billionaires have ever been self made, not Hewlett or Packard, not Gates or Jobs, not Zuck or Bezos. They all either came from existing millionaires, had connections with institutions like Wall Street, or both. For example, more on Gates, he was in the privileged position of being probably the only kid of his age on the entire west coast that had access to any computer. Bezos' family were millionaires and had firm contacts in Wall Street - the garage story is cute, but when the house that garage is attached to was worth over 7 figures 25 years ago and its owner was able to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the nascent business on a parent/child basis it becomes more of a fortunate nepobaby story than a self-made man myth.

Dont let billionaires dictate their own myths to you. They're just comfortable lies.


The poor guy at Seattle Computer Products who actually made 86-DOS/QD-DOS and sold it to MS for nothing. I imagine him in a row boat paddling by Billionaire Row.


Bootlickers always ignore the fact that All billionaires started out with alot of Funds, knew the right people and had a lot of luck.


Forrest Gump had a similar experience.


Remember, there are pretty much NO "self-made" rich people, pretty much ALL of them had a head-start. 😒


Microsoft didn't write DOS they bought it and then resold it


Anthony content is always so interesting and educational, he deserves really his own sub-channel


Also they didn't write it, they purchased it, they also didn't have possession of it when they sold it, they also retained the right to sell it to other companies, in the words of IBM "we all know the money is in hardware not software" 😂


The thing about the PC was that although it was a pretty cobbled machine (some say it was a terminal design) it had expansion. That allowed third party development - where all big innovation came from. That innovation was a very low retail price point due to the huge user base. For example a CAD system on a Sun computer was $25, 000 - Orcad came out at $199. Even cross compilers (now free) had this disparity. An 8051 compiler for Unix was $2000 and the same compiler running on PC was $299.


No mention about QDOS that PC DOS/MS DOS evolved from ?


It's said that CP/M's creator, Gary Kildall, was basically scammed by Microsoft for overpricing CP/M compared to DOS
As the story goes, he threatened to sue Microsoft but then a Microsoft senior convinced him that the company would put both of them for sale and let the consumer choose, except that DOS was priced at $60 and CP/M was 4x that amount, which eventually killed CP/M


Some "small loan" of a million dollars vibes here


This is proof that all that talk of being hardworking is meritocracy is pure nonsense.

Any person that becomes a billionaire, when you look at his story carefully you will see that the only reason he became a billionaire is because he had contacts and was in the right place at the right time.

None of them were hardworking, or genius, beyond average. They just had a good network.


Bill Gates also later said his mother was at one point kidnapped (yikes!), probably for ransom. Being the richest man in the world isn't all it's cracked up to be. (They were already well-known for their BASIC interpreters before buying 86-DOS from Tim Paterson.)
