The HEALTHIEST POWDER for Your Body and Overall Health! Dr. Mandell

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Cacao is extremely high in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from oxidation and aging. Raw cacao contains more than 20x’s the amount of antioxidants in blueberries (ORAC value score). It's packed with flavonoids. These nutrients have been shown to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the brain and heart.
Cacao improves circulation and hydration in the skin. Circulation stimulates new blood flow to the surface of the skin, keeping it healthy and glowing
Cacao is a potent anti-inflammatory, it soothes redness and blemishes, improving the skin’s complexion.
Cacao has high amounts of iron and magnesium and is the richest food source of these nutrients.

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr M

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In 2021 you did a video on Cacao that my wife and I saw while on vacation and a month or two before that the EVOO - lemon - cayenne and honey elixir - we began taking both every day and are far healthier and I am 35 pounds less and my blood pressure went from hypertensive to perfect and my energy is better now at 54 than it was at 24! A testament to these valuable videos!!!! We did also begin watching calories and started regular exercise but I believe all work together in harmony! Thank you!


I love that Dr M doesn’t put endorsements in his videos. It’s distracting but he doesn’t need to because his platform is to give. Thanks Dr M! ❤


Such a selfless man. Very few of his kind in this world. God bless you Dr Mandell.


I’ve been taking Cacao for the last couple years, not realising all these benefits. The great man’s info, as usual is well received! Thanks doc.


Cacao drink is the best. I mix organic Cacao powder with a bit of boiling water(so it dissolves better) and then add a cup of hot grass-fed milk and a bit of monkfruit sweetener. Best drink ever.


Cacao, cinnamon, and chia seeds makes a delicious protein smoothies with almond milk.


Cacao powder is a favorite in my home, im in my 50s and this powder makes a noticeable difference in my overall health. Thank you Dr Mandell for all of the information you share with us.


I’ve been using Cacao daily by adding it to my coffee in the morning. I use my blender add milk or cream Cacao, cinnamon, Maca Powder, a pinch of Chaga Mushroom powder, sometimes a teaspoon of Organic Jerusalem Artichoke (Inulin fibre) sometimes a pinch of Agashwanda powder ( to help the Telomeres of the DNA), and just this past week organic Pumpkin protein powder. Blend it all up and fill two thermal coffee cups! It tastes great and hopefully has all these health benefits and more. I so appreciate Dr. Mandel . I had a heart surgeon I met grocery shopping tell me to take the juice of half a lemon and add a tablespoon of Organic, extra virgin cold pressed olive oil to it and first thing in the morning. I decided to add a dash of Cayenne pepper to the mix as well. I pray all these natural ingredients will help my Atherosclerosis. Again Dr. Mandel I appreciate all the hard work and information you provide! Thank you!


I use organic cacao in my oats and protein shakes. Didn't know it was this beneficial for my health. Thank you so much, doc. You trully are a bright light in this world.


Raw cacao is abundant in my country Ghana.From today am grinding a lot into my Body.Godbless you Doc mandell. Its definitely a great day for me😊


God bless you, Dr. Mandell for this wonderful knowledge!


We're so grateful for all your wonderful knowledge, wisdom and kindness. Thank you, Dr Mandell 🙏🏻 💕


Dr Mandell, its not good to become an addict. I have become an addict of your videos! I have no regrets!! You fill us with very useful info gor a healthy lifestyle a healthy bodies. Thank you and God bless you. May you and your family have a wonderful CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY PROSPEROUS 2024.


I make a Chocolate smoothie every morning for breakfast with Raw cacao frozen banana frozen blue berries oats chia seeds flax seeds hemp protein powder cinnamon and almond milk! Thank you Dr


Dr. Mandell, you should open various Alternative Medicine practices throughout the country. You are one sharp dude with a lot of wisdom, and we absolutely love you. Peace & Blessings.


Cocoa was my first thought when you said the word 😂 I'm still learning from an awesome, knowledgeable and patient teacher. Thank you our doctor


I've tried it at 6pm (before my intermittent fasting window begin)
1- teaspoon of cacao
2- 3 spoonful of coconut milk
3- ½ teaspoon of monk fruit
wow!..Deep sleep at night, smooth bowel movement ☺️ and reduce of joint pain when i woke up in the morning 😍👍🏻... awesome!!! Alhamdulillah...will stick it as my life routine ..thank you Dr M 🥰✌🏻


I'm having a drink of Cocao while watching this. I've stopped drinking chocolate, too much sugar. (Gave up sugar 17 years now)
Dr Mandell is the best. Bless you ❤


Another lesson learned today. Thank you for your wisdom ✝️🙏🏼💜


at 61 i feel great take zero medications and feel a big part of that is due to u and your program, , my morning routine consists of a shot of extra virgin olive oil with fresh lemon and cayenne pepper in my fresh (decaf, trying to limit my caffeine intake i luv drinking Green and black ice tea unsweetened of course during the day ) coffee i put raw cacao with local raw honey, , been on this routine for a little over a yr now ive lost weight and seem to have plenty of energy to get me through more then a full days work and play, , im blessed to live on the big island of Hawaii and can source 99% of everything listed fresh straight from the farm, , again Mahalo Doc U ARE DA MAN !!
