Rockwell Razor - Voskhod - 6c

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The Rockwell razor with a Voskhod blade on the adjustable 6c using all 3 plates. This 6c razor is outstanding and with the Voskhod it's almost unbelievable.

Rockwell Razors
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Hey, like your content, down to earth and straight forward. I also have a sensitive neck area but it has been improving over time which I believe is the result of the routine I’ve been following. I use PAA Tube 2.0 for a Preshave, massaging it well into my face especially the sensitive areas. After my shave I do a warm then cold water rinse followed with an alum block. After alum dries, I use a warm wet wash cloth and just pat my face then blot dry with soft towel. I then apply a liberal amount of balm. Once dried I apply my favorite splash. I shave every two days and on the off days I apply a small amount of balm to my neck area. So far this seems to be helping. May your days be nick free,


Lovely video just popped up today.😊. Your shaving process is so effective, and this video clearly lays it out. This video is actually one of the best tutorials on technique on using the Rockwell 6c I have seen. Well done David!👍🏾


Voskhod is a good, middle of the road blade for me. Not overly sharp or dull. I agree that it's sharper and smoother an Astra Green. I just tried an Astra Blue Stainless Steel for the first time last week and was pleased with it.

I'm really enjoying seeing your progress. You are definitely gaining confidence and learning what works well for you. Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great week!


Great blades built for a tank. The long lasting steel delivers a smooth bbs every time. 8+ shaves on a single blade and they still deliver. 🍻


Great shave! I recently got a white chromed Rockwell 6c and my favorite blades are Voskhods.


I was down in Augusta for the Monday practice round. It was my first time there. It was absolutely amazing in person. There isn’t a blade of grass out of place. And as hilly as it looks on television, multiply it by 10!


With an aggressive razor and very little pressure on the face, the Voskhod are the best blade I found for my coarse beard and sensitive skin


Nice videos, and well produced. My favorite blades are Nacet and Permasharp. I use the Rockwell 6C almost exclusively. My first soap was TOBS but I found it weak compared to most artisan soaps. Amoung others, I think Sudsey Soapery, Mike's, PAA, and Caties are top performers. Have a good one and thanks agsin for the video!


You have a new subscriber here .
What a good work !
The best thing about your videos is that you don't do much of speaking while shaving so it's seen as asmr .


Always enjoy your channel! Keep the passion high! Great production video!


Hey! Awesome shave! Good job. Voskhod was hot (actually pronounce of Voskhod is almost the same as "was hot" lol). Voskhod are amazing razor blades from Moscow, my dad prefer voskhod too. But as for me - its too rough for my sensetive skin, so I better use Ladas razor blades or Rapira swedish steel. Whats really cool about them - rapira/Ladas/Voskhod are made at the same Moscow factory. As for me - rockwell on 3d plate works perfectly with Sputnik/Gillette platinum. But sometimes yeah, you have to find out more eficiently razor blades or switch to another plate. But I think sharpest razor blades for plates above 3 needed too much attention to not to being cuted. Well, it is great to switch plates sometimes, but I guess after you'll test packs of different razors with different types of razors - you will understand which razor blade shaves you best. Thanks again for your review! Gosh, this gun metal rockwell is awesome!


The Voskhod is the favorite in my R41.


Hello, your channel is amazing, one of the best in the field, always a pleasure to watch, thank you very much


If you can, you should try the PAA Ascenscion Select twist adjustable razor. It seems like lots of people have good things to say about it!


Hi Brother,
Sorry that I didn't watch this sooner.
I rank this blade in fourth place, behind the Silver Star, The Treet Silver, and the Derby Extra.
This is based on how comfortable the blade feels while it's mowing my stubble.
After tonight, it may slip down to fifth place.
It does, however, beat out the Feather.


I tried a Voskhod blade in my 6C on plate 3 and after two tries, I found it too "scrapey" and wasn't taking down the growth effeciently. I wonder if it would do any better on plate 2 or maybe go the other direction to plate 4. Thoughts?


With Voskhod YMMV is an understatement.


You've got to admit that the vintage Gillette Slim Adjustable is a better alternative to cluttering up your countertop with all those individual plates.


I am worried how I will get my Voskhods in the future if this situation in the Ukraine lasts. It is smoother than the Astra SP, in my opinion, but the difference is negligible. You should try other products from the same company that makes Voskhods: Rapira (2 or 3 types) and Ladas. Both of their razors are decent, as well.


Man it sucks that the prices on these blades have sky rocketed
