Relative sentences and Relative pronouns in German | Accusative| Lesson 26 | A2 German Course

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Relative sentences in German language are a form of "Nebensätze" and start with the relative pronouns. Relative pronouns in German language are the definite articles in German language. Since definite articles in German language depends on the gender of noun and the case in which these are used.
Whenever we use relative sentences in German language, verb of the relative sentence comes at the last position in the sentence. In relative sentence there could be a simple sentence, a perfect tense or a sentence having modal verb in the relative sentence.
In case the relative sentence we always have to use a relative pronoun. Relative pronouns in relative sentences refer to the noun in the main sentence. If the noun in the main sentence is used as object then we have to use the relative pronoun in German accusative case. Subject of relative sentence comes at the second position in the relative sentence and verb goes to the last position of the relative sentence.
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Grreat exlplanation sir, this made me understand Reflexive Nominative even better


I have a doubt. Last two examples doesn't come question mark "?". It's a statement. Right?


Why is computer having der in front. Is'nt it the object and hence accusative?
