The Left’s Lie of Equity Politics | Dr. Jordan Peterson #CLIP

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Jordan Peterson explains there is no difference in inequality between right-wing societies and left-wing societies, debunking the commonly held view that progressive governance achieves better equality. He discusses how the left’s compassionate policies do not improve equal distribution of goods, showing the complexity of the problem. He stresses how convincing citizens of their individual responsibility can address these inequalities.

Conversations feature John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, interviewing the world's foremost thought leaders about today's pressing social, cultural and political issues.

John believes proper, robust dialogue is necessary if we are to maintain our social strength and cohesion. As he puts it; "You cannot get good public policy out of a bad public debate."

Dr. Jordan Peterson:
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Admitting you have a problem and knowing you could do better, is the first step on the road of doing better.


Always admired Jordan. John Anderson is impressive as well!


This work is pure gold.

These are REAL men. Profound intellectuals.


Excellent content from two gentlemen who have my profound admiration. Thank you, Jordan Peterson and JohnAnderson. In a world currently convulsed by the hysterical shrieks of the entitled and (frankly) infantile, I am reassured by your voices of reason.


I like what Senator Rennick says on FB about empowering individuals or controlling them.


As one who once specialised in not, being free - I do not recommend it n I agree that it is much easier not to be.... at least in the short term = there in lies the most diabolical trap.


I agree majority of what they speak of. Equity is socialism/communism rebranded and it is hard to combat it in Western Culture.

Mass death tall caused in Russia is not for the sake of perusing an ideology, Stalin was one of the worst tyrannical dictator ever existed. His polices and how oppress people caused mass destruction. Well, socialism is well known to produce authoritarian regimes but not every dictator it produced can match to Stalin in terms of evil.


This man is one of the greatest treasures of our times. Period.


Western society teaches that "if you're a mess, you don't have to stay that way. You can do something about it", As Peterson says. But isn't it fair to say that it also teaches you that, being "a mess" in the first place is your own doing? In the same way that you have the choice to get yourself out of that situation, it was your choice that got you into it. That is incredibly damaging for those who are already suffering.


Interesting commentary based on a trinitarian frame (God, the Father & Holy Ghost) denoting growth and change as compared to Jung’s view of the quaternity denoting stability through acknowledging the evil capability in every human heart.


I've never understood the obsession with material equality. I understand trying to eliminate poverty and people having opportunity. But why would I care if someone has more than me unless it's stolen?


This is a great clip. "Your life is a you can do something about it." YES!!


"The Left’s Lie of Equity Politics." This header seriously skews Dr. Peterson's statement, which is considerably more nuanced than that header suggests.


Thx again John. Another great clip. Hope I get to watch full vid soon. On shame of past: Occasionally when recounting a humorous event from my past - it will trigger a connected memory of some activity I'd rather forget...I call that moment "going to the House o mourning" to think about not continuing the list of regrets.
There's a bible vs, old testament, KJV Ecclesiastes 7:2-4:

"It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart."

Not sure if I'm interpreting it correctly but, it has helped me use those moments of regret in a constructive way.
Keep'em coming - Love the Aussies


Just note that JBP said that there is no evidence that equality policies cause more equality, but elsewhere he makes the stronger claim that equality policies decrease equality of outcome - that is, the opposite effect. This is the careful way a social scientist speaks.


I listened to that podcast between the Atheist Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson, and I was saddened when Richard Dawkins congratulated Jordan for Jordan's fight in standing up for free speech ... when it was plain to me that that was the very lie that took Jordan to fame.

That lie angered people all over the world, that in turn targeted Justin Trudeau, as being a dictator, and other horrible slanderous insults.

It was not Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government that had anything to do with Jordan's threat of losing his license as a psychologist. It was the board of psychologists that were trying to keep Jordan in line with what psychologists are allowed to say in order to be able to keep their licenses as psychologists ... and they could see that Jordan had gone rogue and thought that HE above all other psychologists was entitled to break any rule ... to say anything that suited HIM, as HE was just THAT SPECIAL.

And we should all be aware by now, that Jordan Peterson makes his BIG BUCKS from Christian Conservatives, and that is WHY Jordan does everything in his power to discredit the Trudeau government.

I'm a Canadian, and no matter which party is in office ... it is just not right to blame the leader of a government, for something the leader did NOT do.


I've known several people working in the field of psychology, and their philosophy is invariably driven by a DEI mentality - clever, but immature and naive.
They *all* also have poisonous relationships with their mothers, read into that what you will.


The Western malaise is mostly related to French Fries+mayonnaise. Disaggregate the results, and you are going to have a real bombshell on your hands.


Who did Aleksandr say they bolsheviks were? Asking for a friend.


Institutions are made of people. Just as any machine filled with stripped and broken gears will not run, no institution will function well unless nearly all the people inside it are emotionally and ethically healthy.
