Greek Comedy Explained

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Hi folks, I've been on hiatus since I got my new job but now I'm back!

In this series I'm introducing you to Greek Old Comedy. Whether you are studying Women in the Ancient World at GCSE, Greek Theatre at A-Level or undergrad- even if you are just a huge fan of the Greek world- this is a series for you. We are going to learn about Aristophanes' comedies using class-room friendly clips and examples from brit-coms and sitcoms.

This video provides an introduction to some of the challenges of studying Greek comedy and tells you what to expect from the series. As ever, please like, share and subscribe to keep up to date with the channel. Comment on anything you would like me to cover next!
All best, Dr M x
Рекомендации по теме

Is there more to this series about GreeK Comedy?


Women of the Thesmophoria is hilarious
