Moral Differences #highconflict #divorce #coparenting #parentingplan #modifications #changeit #fight

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My kiddo is special needs and communicating with his biological father would have been determintal to getting my son help that he needs.


Problem 1. You are thinking about yourself and not your kids. Problems 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.... are identical to problem number 1. Co-parenting isn't about you. Co-parenting is about the kids. Quit trying to stick it to your ex by weaponizing your children and start being a parent. Kids are not possessions, they are people.


Did all of that. Court blamed me for complaining and said as the mother I'm responsible for the relationship between my child and my ex. Court isn't fair and they don't care about anything but getting more money and the more you disagree and argue, the more money in their pockets


I'm sure you did not mean it this way, this video comes of as "me and my wants". Not everyone will agree. You have an opportunity to show your kids love, compassion, and views of different life styles. If you can get along with your ex (at least infront of the kids), your kids will be open minded and have a wonderful foundation for the life they choose to live. Do not piss away something that could be amazing, put aside your pride for your kids.

Ex's suck, your kids only exist because of you and your ex. Appreciate that


Cause you want child support and you'll do whatever it takes to keep his kids away from him but still claim you have the moral high ground.


Lol because you believe only you know how to care for the child
