“Child support should cover it.” #divorce #ex #childsupport #coparenting #money

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We did 50/50 no primary No ordered Child support! Split Everything time & money50/50 all the way threw college she supplied the insurance idropped them off and picked them up from school rotated holidays! We Always put the kids first and it Worked well! This was in Fla! We Agree to it & had a moderator and left the Lawyers out of it!


Moot point. There are provisions in every state’s child support laws that I’ve ever heard about that allows the child support recipient to return to court and request a modification to the support order.


You said it. Child support is never enough. Then you have the payer who thinks support isn't used for the child. It is truly a battle and the child still doesn't have what they need.


The way I see it, as it was explained to me, is that the child support received is to cover their share of basic needs. It's calculated by parenting time and incomes. However, getting any help, heck even getting the ordered amount every month, is never gonna happen. I have just decided to make myself as best as I can financially so I can make sure my kids get everything they should.❤


My brother paid child support and in addition, he covered health insurance, school clothes, activity fees, etc.


Notice she’s only interested in talking about revising child support upwards in the event of additional expenses. No mention of a reduction in payment when expenses decrease or the payer’s income decreases.


Unfortunately my ex wife was used for supporting losers she was dating. But I never let my kids do with out I bought things for them and never missed my weekends with them. Still and always will be a Father


Took our children to get new school clothes and shoes and and ALL the supplies for school and asked to split it.... was told no - ok fair! The kids change clothes and shoes before they leave my house.... then I find out from my daughter that her dad was freaking out bc he thought that the kids started a week later then it did which would had been the week the kids were with me - he scrambled bc he couldn't get the shopping done before the school started in 3days... told me that he now agreed to pay half and I should drop the full back packs off - I showed up with the back packs and he didn't have a money order ready so I took the back packs with me! He thought I would just do it and he would just get the benefits! -- sorry we share children not resources


Child Support plus half of medical and one time expenses, like a car, driver's Ed, SAT prep, prom dress, school registration fees and supplies, etc. I am the primary caretaker and my STBX is paying a small amount of child support that he tried to get out of paying. But apparently the court doesn't care, and says it covers everything right now and he doesn't have to pay jack for extra stuff. That is putting me in debt every month. He makes a very good salary and is attempting to force me into giving up fighting for custody but bleeding me dry.


It depends on the amount. I not only pay child support, alimony, but am supposed to pay 70% of any expense related to the kids. Women, if you have a good lawyer you can certainly make the man a piggy bank. Men make sure your attorney does not suck and actually does his or her job in defending you


No, child support shouldn't cover everything. Both parents should be fiscally responsible.


They should be able to. Some people just don’t think of the kid only have their own pride😢


My ex is a good man. I actually lied about my income (I was self employed and they didn’t ask for documentation). He pays $350 per month, half goes to their health insurance premium. So I spend $175 per month for two children, but I claim them at the end of the year so it balances out. I’m also the primary caregiver and do all the homeschooling.

It doesn’t bother me, because as I’ve said, we get along. My two other children are adults now, unfortunately he wasn’t a good father or person at all, but he’s never paid anything. He’s still in arrears today (kids are 22, 25 now!) and I could never be gracious with him. He’d have taken advantage and still complained. Child support is tricky, especially when a person is looking in from the outside, and aren’t aware of all the variables.


You know idk, I just got another job. My soon to be ex husband that I’ve been trying to divorce for a year doesn’t see our three kids and doesn’t pay a dime to help raise them. But lives with his girlfriend and her 4 kids I’m assuming in my situation he must not have the money to take care of his kids. So I guess I’ll find out once the judge makes a determination because right now I’m handling it all.


Need to agree on what is being purchased for the kids. Jordan’s vs typical Nikes is a good example.


Or maybe, just maybe... hold on to your hats because this is revolutionary. Instead of worrying about co parenting when it comes to money, we should actually do co parenting by 50/50 physical custody that splits all temporal and fiscal obligations. 😮😮😮😮😮🤯


If you can PROVE with receipts what’s NORMALLY being spent and the amount isn’t ENOUGH, prove this to the ex and if they say no…take that person back to court! Kids grow and so do their expenses! I’d have RECEIPTS THOUGH!! PROVE YOUR CASE!!


I agree. Child support should be more. And for not for qid pro quo. If the child chose not to see the other parent. Stop the child support because of it


Why child support anyway. You should come to a mutual agreement. If you did not go to court you would not have to worry about getting extra when you need it. Instead you went to court to get a paycheck and for the attorney general to get a paycheck as well.


Ivy even on for more than 20 years I feel it doesn’t make a difference because when I could care less no matter how much you get out of this shit like I made $1200 and got that $317 my rent was 845 a month in Electric bill is $60 a month I don’t have a car so I have to pay too Get back-and-forth to work
