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Late potty training tips! How to potty train a child who is age 3 and over when they are stubborn and showing zero signs of wanting to toilet train! I've struggled with potty training my three year old but we've finally cracked it! Here's how!

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Hello! I’m Vicky, a mum of two little girls living in the south of England.

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Mom potty shaming IS REAL. And so frustrating when you know in your heart you have done everything and that your child does not have any mental disabilities. It was nice to have some encouragement today because I am at the end of my rope with my little one and am going to take a break for a while which I know will be the best thing for the both of us. Please momma's be kind to each other.


Thank you. I’m crying tears of joy just hearing I’m not a bad mom for the struggles we are having with my 3 year old.


Thank you so much!!! I'm so happy to have watched this. My son just turned 4 and refuses to potty train. I will use these tips !!! So many people can be so judgemental towards us for this. They need to mind their own business.


Truly thank you. If I see 1 more trained my 18 month old in 3 days video I am going to lose my mind. Your perspective sounds more realistic


I waited until my daughter REALLY showed signs that she was ready at 3, 5 year old and we got it done in a week. I'm glad I didn't push her earlier


Great advice!!! One tip I’d like to share is setting an alarm on your watch and/or phone to go off 30 mins to remind you to remind your child to use the potty! :) between my ADHD and running around like a nutcase all day it has been the biggest help for me! Hope this helps someone else too! 😊


Thank you for posting this!! I wanted to cry because I’ve been looking for advice for my 3 year old who is so smart, and literally argues with me why she likes her diaper and wants it. I feel encouraged to try potty training again


Really appreciate this video! So many people have recommended the book “Oh Crap” and wow does it shame you if your child is over 3 years old! This video was so helpful and reassuring, and I love reading all the comments of other parents in similar spots as me! 🥰


Words cannot describe how happy I am too have found this video. I have twin 3.5 year olds and potty training has been my living nightmare for the last 6 months. I have so many mom friends who are "surprised" that my girls aren't potty trained by now. There's so many "3 day potty training" methods it's disheartening and NONE of them work for my girls. All they do is stress all 3 of us out. This video made me feel so much better. Especially when you talk about stopping and starting. Just knowing that I'm not the only one who has 3+ year olds who aren't potty trained and that that doesn't make me or them failures. Thank you so much for this video ♥️


I’m glad I came across the video and viewed the comments . I deal with people shaming me and my children for not being potty trained. I have twin boys they are both completely different and learn different . So I try alternative methods for each one of them. It gets frustrating and expensive always buying pull ups. But I understand that every child on this earth is different. And it just may not be their time. However, I want to remind any mother out there struggling with this issue to stay strong. Don’t listen to others. You know what’s best for your child. You got this !


I've got to say, I'm about in tears!! This is day 4 of probably our 5th attempt at potty training since roughly 13 months ago starting. My daughter is 3 years and 3 months. We're coming off of a gap in trying because I made the executive decision that she just wasn't ready and me picking her up and sitting her on the potty to "at least try" was becoming more of a traumatic experience for her and I knew I'd fuck it up entirely if we didn't take a break or tried to force it. She's a VERY particular child as is. I can get her to sit on the potty for what seems like hours, nothing! She camels that til the point of bursting at times. And I mean I've tried it all. Water sounds, actual water running, water activities on the potty, warm water in a bin with toys that she can "clean" on the potty, everything! I even let her use my phone on the potty which has led to 3 full wees on the potty!! BUT I'm worried she might not be listening to her body or even realizing when she goes? I dunno. I'm losing my mind and my patience but still forcing out "its okay, accidents happen" with a smile but what all am I doing wrong exactly?! I know she'll be so much happier without pullups!! Also not even close to.a.poop on the potty yet. Send help. 🤣😂🤣


My 3 year old is so stubborn! I need help lol. She did have a bit of a speech delay but has a great vocabulary now. Thank you for this video!


Thank you so much for this. Was trying the 3 days method and cried today cause mine wasn't getting it. I have a new baby as well as my toddler I'm trying to train and felt like a real failure for wanting to stop training him, but I think a break is needed and a fresh start in a few days. Can't thank you enough for this, you're a superwoman x


Thankyou for your valuable inputs ...i am mother of 5 yr old.. struggling hard to potty train.. getting frustrated...sad...but i think i need to be patient..i will keep on trying until he is ready 👍👍


My son will be 4 soon. This is him to a T! Sticker lasted 1 maybe 2 days then he got bored of them. Candy was exactly how you described. He’d want to sit on the potty every 5 mins and claim he went (sometimes did a tiny tiny bit) and say he peed and demand his M&M. I am not a patient mom tho and I have started showing my frustration in front of my son so I think it’s becoming a negative thing. He had like 4 of 6 signs of readiness when he was 2, but now...nothing. He doesn’t even hide to pee/poo anymore, just does it in front of us in his diaper. Like he doesn’t give af. Lol. Potty training shaming is real. Parents ask me all the time “he’s not potty trained yet?” And I feel like I’ve failed as a mom.


Thankyou so much for the video! It truly does weigh on me knowing my 3 and a half year old isn't potty trained. I feel ashamed everytime we go to the store with her diaper sticking out that someone is judging me. I can't wait to try these methods! The reward system has also not worked on my daughter. Wish me luck 🙏


Oh my goodness, you’ve brought me to tears!! I thought my daughter and I were the ONLY ones this was happening to!! I thank you so very much for posting this!!! I’ve actually been so depressed the past couple days and feeling like a terrible mother who has done a great injustice to her daughter…I feel so much better after watching your video!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️😘😘😘


This is such a relief!!! I am Beyond, just a year of trying and she is 3.5 years and I am over shaming myself for not nailing it by now


Finally a video that is realistic and relatable!! I was watching this thinking yep yep yep my child does all of those 😂xx


Thank you thankyou thankyou so much for this video. Finally one video which actually is so so relatable. It’s so stressful when you are trying your best but your child is not interested in doing and when you see other child younger than her using toilet so well. This video helped a lot. Thanks once again.
