What I Do with TOO MUCH Raw MILK (Preserve Your Dairy for WINTER!)

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When you have a lot of milk in the spring and summer, but not a lot during the winter months, it's great to be able to have a way to preserve that fresh milk so you can enjoy it all year round!

By freezing and freeze-drying milk, you'll be able to enjoy fresh milk whenever you want.


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#freezedriedmilk #freezingmilk #milkpreservation
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I had a sweet, little, old lady in the grocery store tell me years ago to add a teensy pinch of salt before I freeze milk. I started doing that and it has thawed perfectly with delicious taste ever since! I love people who share their wisdom with perfect strangers! Love your channel!!


I know I'm a few years late but I am loving your freeze dried videos. We have only had our freeze dryer for a few months. Again, thank you so much for the info.


😄 The girls botched the experiment. That was hilarious. They are so precious.


I have 2 miniature Jersey cows and I'm breeding them on staggered schedules so I should have milk all year round. I've been raising dairy goats for 20 years so I'm frequently drowning in milk. I make all the dairy products for my family, I love making cheese to share & enjoy. I also make soaps and lotions with my milk!


I have been freezing whole milk for years, and years. You can shake it or even use a blender to get the smooth texture after thawing. No change in flavor


Thank you showing how little ones never go with the expected results. You could have cut it but you showed real life. That is perfection!


When I was a little boy my family lived in northern Michigan and a lot of times we stayed at my uncle's farm, and I can tell you I was so healthy drinking raw milk as compared to when we moved back to the city and started eating and drinking crappy foods, I for one say stay at your farm and keep eating and drinking all the good stuff like that milk you have.


When she said " In our family we absolutely share cups" . . . . took me back in time to the 80's when in high school we shared sodas, beer and other things...without thinking about it.


I remember my mom freezing gallon jugs of milk when we lived overseas.


I froze milk for years, in quart containers, the trick to returning the fat to 'normal' is to let the milk warm up to warm -room temperature (body temp) then shake it and refrigerate it again.


Thank you, Carolyn! I freeze dry raw mild too and I like to use it for my Yogurt. I just wanted to let you know I received my book, and I am so thrilled with it. I am still in the beginning. It is just so beautiful; I am taking my time. It is done so well! I am so impressed. I am excited to share it on my channel. I hope that is alright with you!. I have let the people at Prep4life where I got my freeze dryer from, and they are excited about it too. Thanks so much! i can tell there was so much love and work put into this book. I look forward to sharing things I do and learn from it! XOXO


i finally found a raw dairy farmer thats willing to sell close to me after like a year and a half of not thinking id see the day since its completely illegal for sale in my country!


What a sweet family! Love the kids taste test!!


Our family is being so blessed by watching and learning so much from you! Prices here in Hawai'i are insane! This has been helping us so much! Thank you thank you thank you! Stay blessed! 🙏❤


Pressure canning milk is easy and great. I actually like canning raw whole milk. Flavor is delicious


I'd LOVE a video about your freeze drier! I've been so curious about them, and it completely makes sense why you and your fam would get great use out of one on the farm. :)


We have been using our freeze dryer for everything. Raw eggs, milk, yogurt, soups, pastas, and our garden is starting to come on. Your tutorials are always really helpful.


When I was a kid my folks would freeze homogenized milk. It was never the same. We always had to shake the container before drinking it. I remember we also drank powdered milk which if reconstituted properly actually tasted better that the frozen milk. Ice cold of course!


Amazing! Well done! Congrats on your new preservation method and machine!


We always had frozen milk when I was a kid. I still shake the container as a result.
BTW, cute little girls.
