Τι έφτιαξα πάλι🤫Τέλεια Δροσερή Μακαρονοσαλάτα✌️☝️ #livekitchen Σούπερ καλοκαιρινό πιάτο💯

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🏅Mix Vegetables with Pasta and the Result will Surprise You! I can't stop eating this Greek Salad
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🔪250 g boiled fusilli pasta
🔪olive oil
🔪1 green pepper
🔪1 red pepper
🔪1 medium onion
🔪2 green peppers
🔪2 small carrots
🔪6-7 tomato cherries
🔪150 g yogurt 2% fat
🔪2 tbsp light mayonnaise
🔪1 tsp honey
🔪olive oil
🔪2 pinches of salt
🔪spearmint leaves
#Salad #pastasalad #Greeksalad #easyslad #healthysalad #pastasaladrecipe #livekitchen #Greekrecipes #food #cooking
🔔🎬Activate subtitles in your language. On a mobile phone, click on 'cc' in the upper right corner of the video. On your computer, click on video⚙️ settings and enable translation!
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🔪250 g boiled fusilli pasta
🔪olive oil
🔪1 green pepper
🔪1 red pepper
🔪1 medium onion
🔪2 green peppers
🔪2 small carrots
🔪6-7 tomato cherries
🔪150 g yogurt 2% fat
🔪2 tbsp light mayonnaise
🔪1 tsp honey
🔪olive oil
🔪2 pinches of salt
🔪spearmint leaves
#Salad #pastasalad #Greeksalad #easyslad #healthysalad #pastasaladrecipe #livekitchen #Greekrecipes #food #cooking
Τι έφτιαξα πάλι🤫Τέλεια Δροσερή Μακαρονοσαλάτα✌️☝️ #livekitchen Σούπερ καλοκαιρινό πιάτο💯...
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