Spectral methods for geophysical fluid dynamics - Froyland - Workshop 1 - CEB T3 2019

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Froyland (UNSW Sidney) / 07.10.2019
Spectral methods for geophysical fluid dynamics
I will survey recent transfer operator theory and methods for analysing geophysical fluid flows. These include a selection from: tracking coherent features from the meso-scale to the
global scale using models and observations, computing optimal stochastic and deterministic perturbations to enhance fluid mixing, rigorous computation of statistical limit laws, and theory for quenched random limit laws.
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Langue : Anglais; Date : 07.10.2019; Conférencier : Froyland, Gary; Évenement : Workshop 1 - CEB T3 2019; Lieu : IHP; Mots Clés :
Spectral methods for geophysical fluid dynamics
I will survey recent transfer operator theory and methods for analysing geophysical fluid flows. These include a selection from: tracking coherent features from the meso-scale to the
global scale using models and observations, computing optimal stochastic and deterministic perturbations to enhance fluid mixing, rigorous computation of statistical limit laws, and theory for quenched random limit laws.
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Langue : Anglais; Date : 07.10.2019; Conférencier : Froyland, Gary; Évenement : Workshop 1 - CEB T3 2019; Lieu : IHP; Mots Clés :