Все публикации

Renewable energy forecasting: State of the art & latest tendencies of research

A mean-field game model of electricity market dynamics with environmental policies

The New Emission Trading System on DiffuseEmission in the European Policy Mix

Leveraging Deep Learning and Rare Event Sampling to study climate extremes...

Extremes and the energy system: a short introduction

Rare events for climate and the energy system

Sécuriser les données face à des adversaires quantiques

Topological matter in quantum gases: prospects and challenges

Le choix des filles de faire des maths, un problème ouvert ?

New Directions in Correlation Clustering and Biclustering

Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 3 - Part 4)

Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 2 - Part 4)

Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 1 - Part 2)

Isoperimetric inequalities in high dimensional convex sets (Lecture 1 - Part 1)

Presentation of the T1 2024 'Quantum many-body systems out-of-equilibrium'

Gravitational wave data analysis - Part 2

Physique quantique : des grandes questions aux objets du quotidien

Abel in Paris - Welcome

Patrice Le Gal - Visualiser et comprendre.

Antoine Chambert-Loir - L'aventure humaine des mathématiques …

Le grand Rulpidon de la Maison Poincaré est arrivé !

Clotilde Fermanian - Les Visiteurs du soir 26/02/2023

Presentation of the T3 2022 Geometry and Statistics in Data Sciences

[T1A 2023] Gravité Quantique : l'Espace-Temps est il aléatoire ? - François David