What’s The Difference? | Paul Washer Vs. The Apostle Paul

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Paul Washer is a solid brother… The ministry God had him start with blood sweat and tears in Peru is very encouraging…

Soli Deo Gloria!


Man I clicked this video thinking you were going to attack Washer.
My heart was broken.
Don’t scare me like that.


Paul Washer is incredible, if you get offended then he’s doing his job.. he may not be a John MacArthur of expository preaching but he preaches with conviction, the Spirit works always in my heart when he preaches, always spurring me to commit everything to the Lord and once again striving for Jesus


Thank you for this follow up😁. Context is always key and without understanding the other comment about Washer in context, I was hoping you would clarify.


I've been very concerned about Paul Washer ever since he started smiling a few years ago.


Moral of the story: A pastor is more familiar with those that he brought to the faith than others are. (3 Cor: 7-9)


Brother, if you're going to state that "carnal Chrisitan" is a biblical category, and then say it needs to be defined - please define and explain how it's possible and give examples. Otherwise, you just made an assertion but didn't back it up, other than a brief statement. Something like this needs a few minutes of explanation.
I agree about the state of the SBC, sadly.


Paul Washer is alive, and the Apostle Paul has passed into glory... that's just about the only difference in their teaching that comes to mind.


haha glad i listened t the whole thin. and an EXCELLENT POINT.


Can someone explain the situation with Paul Washer he’s referring to?


Your starting to wake. The reason Christ was explaining way these certain people didn't have enough faith to experience the called Christ tried to make happen so your versions of outside christ was a pattern in you not one person outside of man is dust and Paul called his outside efforts called Saul was DUNG so all your looking outside even galaxies is a dust and dung. It is not what you think ONE person was christ its actually ONE in you your MIND same ONE Christ Jesus SAME ONE that plays ALL I AM, Paul HINTED Philip 2:5Let this MIND be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: NO ONE LOST.


No hope!

Because his endtimes gnostic heresies that the modern new age Christian has believed!

So sad


Concerning the opening:
Messiah said that he only said what the father had said before him. The father said that eating pork is abominable. Why would you then open your videos with pork?


Net worth of Paul Washer is 4 million.


The apostle Paul taught that men and women alike ought to love one another. But Paul Washer is constantly hard on young men, without ever considering that he should be more convicting with women. This shows 2 things:

1: He is an advocate for women victimization and

2: He is partial and does not believe in gender equality.

Paul Washer is a fool. He refuses to acknowledge that women ought to be held accountable for their sins, and he is more gentle with women than men.

He is a simp.

He is more gentle with women because he is a partial sexist, and refuses to acknowledge that he ought to be harder and more convicting on them. He is a man of partiality, a son of perdition.

Paul Washer is filled with all pride and arrogance, in that, he refuses to confront women for their hypocrisy and double standards that they have against men.

Paul Washer has never once posted a sermon titled "The double standards of women and how to overcome them", or "The prideful heart of a woman". Not once has any such sermon been preached, and as a result, women have become complacent and think that it's okay to take advantage of their husbands.

Paul Washer is FALSE PROPHET when it comes to these things I have adore listed. He tells of the "terror of caring for a daughter of God", when really God loves all of His children, not just His daughters. This also shows that he is a simp and an advocate for women victimization.

The problem that Paul Washer has, is that he teaches young men and is hard with young men with how they ought to be treating women, TO THE NEGLECT THAT HE SHOULD BE PREACHING ON HOW THEY OUGHT TO TREAT THEIR HUSBANDS!

Paul Washer is a traditional man. Not a biblical man. The Bible exposes pride in all hearts, not just men. But foolish Paul here, only seeks to expose the pride of the hearts of men.

What Mr.Wahser here doesn't realize, is that when he says the words "It is a terrifying thing to have a daughter of God"... what he is doing, is presuming upon the notion that God is more strict with His women than He is His men. This is unbiblical. For God hates sin in men just as much He does women.

Paul Washer is a fraud!
