Mappa VS fan animation | chainsaw man (Animation comparison)

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Here is a small animation comparison on a chainsaw man, I know my fan animation is not close to the studio, but still decided to make a comparison.
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im not saying the fanmade is bad but this comparison makes me realize how amazing the original one is handled, the scenery, atmosphere, color and usage of the resources is almost perfect


The fan made one is more based on the manga. It was really cool to see it come to life before the anime came out. The anime one of course looks much more fresh because it doesn't directly translate the manga to into its frames and it uses more cinematic perspectives like close ups and fisheye focal lengths. Not to mention camera movement.


The fanmade its well done...but i still like mappas version...

Its so cinematic...and i also dont mind the cgi


And people still have the balls to complain about this adaptation…they made the anime have such a cinematic feel to it, just like the manga. Reading any of Fujimoto’s works is as close as you can get to a cinematic experience in a manga.


seeing the fan made vs company animation makes me realize how cinematic mappa made


this is why i love this scene so much. the music, the composition, the amount of hard work these not-enough-paid animators poured just gave me goosebumps. the vibe is scarily insane


I am so glad mappa studio and the director made the CSM, it is extremely beautiful, and imo it looks and feel better than the one with over saturated color palete.


The fan made is amazing! But it's also only 1 single person working on it!

The Mappa is gorgeous, but it's a crew of folks working to create multiple frames. So not only are there more people working on it, but also accessibility to more resources (cgi/sound FX/lighting/editing/etc)


Love that moment which shows Himeno’s hand became a part of a ghost in fan animation.


ima miss u csm season 1 director ;-; the cinematic approach was so good bruhh


Mappa is probably my favourite anime studio, they handle anime with so much care and make things look cinematic.


Fanimations will always have more passion/heart, but Mappa still knocked it out of the park man, the way that the ghost's hand goes down through Himeno's like they're "shaking on it", their deal, was just brilliant, not to mention the whole arms crawling sequence. While I do wish the anime was more colorful overall, I think the direction was fantastic and is what made Chainsaw Man stand out from other anime, I actually liked the anime more than the manga, if we only count what was adapted so far of course.


Both are amazing in their own ways because the animators/artists worked hard on them.


It’s no surprise that og will look better. But it was a very good remake of it


0:19 i thought she was cover with fruit loops cereal hahaha


I think his/her efforts to animate this is amazing and a job well done, especially with the colours. But I think it's too 1:1 with the manga whilst mappa added a more cinematic feel with long camera movements and close up shots. And also, it was inspired by western films like what they referenced in the opening.

Another thing is that people complain if an anime is not 1:1 with the manga. NOT like the Promised Neverland or Tokyo ghoul s2 but when anime changes a scene like the recent gojo fight in jjk s2. manga and anime are both mediums and I don't mind when produces add something to elevate a scene or make it stand on it's own.


honestly im glad you posted this, its not bad at all but all the people complaining how it isnt close to the manga needs to realize the creator didnt even get to FULLY utilize how he wanted his art to look with the time scedual he's on, im sure he was excited more then anything with the animation cause its ACTUALLY THE WAY HE WANTED IT DONE PERFECTLY and not alot of manga artist before and NOW have that blessing but the fans just shat on it cause its not what THEY wanted they should be ashamed on tossing another mans dreams to the garbage just cause it didn't fit their lazy standards


The difference bro is like the reason why Japanese animators literally die. They dedicate their whole life to this way more extremely than any fan could. Thats why I love them.


The one time Fan Animation fails to succeed its predecessor


I love seeing fan-made versions of media and viewing them from other peoples point of view and understanding
