Polymorphous light eruption and other forms of sun allergy | Ask Doctor Anne

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Polymorphous light eruption and other forms of sun allergy are certainly not fun - if you suffer from them they tend to ruin any outdoor fun. But what actually causes them? And how can you treat or, even better, prevent PMLE and sun acne?
We are going to talk about that today.

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As doctor passionate about skin care that delivers results I want to help you quickly and efficiently pick a skin care regime that works by explaining the science behind skin and by sharing quick, no bullshit skin care reviews.

I am a doctor, so I do have a good understanding of scientific studies, skin and ingredients. I am however not a trained dermatologist and these videos do not replace a consultation or are a substitute for medical advice.

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Have you ever experienced something similar? And if yes, what helped you?


Omg! This is a condition my family deals with. It’s such a misunderstood condition. The ones that deal with it have to be treated by dermatologists but they did not get such a beautiful explanation of this problem. Thank you. Thank you!!!!


This is the best explanation I’ve seen so far. I developed PMLE in my early twenties. I suspected it has something to do with my moving to high altitude place and stayed indoor to study most of the times. My doctor even diagnosed it as psoriasis, but my symptoms fit exactly as PMLE..I hope there are treatments other than steroids available soon so I can finally enjoy a tropical vacation!


Trying to inform myself about a recently developed sun kind of rash led me to this video and it is really greatly explained!! So many of us suffer from this kind of sun induced allergies but I feel that there is not enough information on it. We have more information on how to apply mascara ! Lol. Thank you, Dr. ANNE ! 🙏


I suddenly got sun allergy about 10 years ago for the first time. My skin got very (very!) itchy and little bumps formed a couple of hours after I exposed it to the sun during spring-early summer. I mainly got it on my decolleté, my upper arms and the legs. I also think that the sunscreen that I used then triggered the sun allergy ever more, so on the next year I gradually exposed parts of my body when spring arrived (keeping long sleeves on my arms then medium sleeves, short sleeves.... same with the legs: longs pants, then 3/4 pants...etc) and it helped! In prevention I also took some beta-carotene supplements, usually meant to maximize the tanning but in my case, it just helped my body not to react too strongly to the first sun exposures during spring-early summer. One last word: in my case the allergy was very strong on the first year, then was weaker and weaker every next year, until I haven't had any more issues since 4 or 5 years. Thank you some much for talking about this matter, Doctor Anne!


I need more videos on this topic. Nobody talks about this. It’s getting itchy, red, irritated. Now I know why mint, camphor (toners/products) calms my skin because they have cooling properties.


About five years ago, I went on a vacation and my body was covered with hives after going to the beach . Now whenever I’m exposed to the sun, whatever part of my body is exposed I start developing hives. Within about 30 minutes. I don’t know what triggered it. I was in my mid-40s but nothing else has changed. I’ve always worn high SPF sunblock. Now I take an allergy pill when I know I’m going to be out in the sun and that seems to help reduce it some, I still use SPF and sunshirts and preventative clothing to cover up. I take a vitamin D supplement along with general supplements for health. I am brown skinned so I and I never had this happen when I was younger. I just started talking Astaxanthin as a supplement and I’m hoping it will help. Have you heard of this supplement? I’m trying anything.


Omgravy!!! I will use your video 2 educate family/friends because they never understand & usually takes 3yrs to remember how bad it effects my mom & I. Plus we are lactose intolerance! Thank you so much


Hello you :)
Thanks a lot for the video! Helped a lot. My first severe case was curious.. it eas in November 2008, exactly 13 years after a dinner eating crab and that same night, I ended up at the hospital. I had such a severe allergy that I ended up at the Hospital and had an injection and was hospitalized for one night. 3 days later, once recovered, I wen out in the sun once for the first time after the crab allergy and I have exactly the same allergic reaction I had with the crab.... since then, until today... I can't sunbathe. After just 5 minutes I get a lot of itching, bumps, all over the body that has been exposed. even in the shade, if it's too hot or if the rays reflect, I get allergic. I've already been diagnosed, and it's solar urticaria. But we can't see good treatment here. It's horrible to live like this, it's depressing. Not even sun allergy sunscreens help. I don't know what will help me, I've already thought about food, but I need more advice and tips.

I cannot go to the beach, play outside with my daughter, drive, anything that is outsíde wth the sun is horrible. Even indoors, if I sit next to a Sofa next to thr window, I need to move. Its horrible

I feel for everyone suffering from this hell of a condition


Thank you. Awesome information 👍
No one talks about this.


I am suffering it right now. Thanks for this very educational vlog.


Just started getting random hives seemingly from the sun — at times the eruption is very severe other times very mild. I don’t react every time I’m in the sun and sometimes I’ve had barely any sun exposure at all and get terrible painful hives..

Dr said is Polymorphic Light Eruption (based on my symptoms & photos). Seems so strange that it would just happen out of the blue in my mid-40s when I have skin tone that rarely burns and I have always loved the sun…


I was diagnosed with PMLE and affects my whole body, even my face. Within 15min of sun exposure


I am somewhat convinced it has something to do with inflammation in the body and is a symptom not a root cause. Especially when we see hi ige or h2.

I will be doing a few gut test to see if there is a overgrowth( sibo) or parasites that might be causing inflammation. I will also look into the liver and mitochondria to see if there is an D3 issue or any issues around that.

I don’t accept that solar Urticaria just comes out of know where. Nothing just randomly happens.

I will also start emotional counseling
Mine came up after very emotional stressful times.

Also look into local environmental toxins.

Getting my drainage pathways going and eating clean and in a way that reduces inflammation. I am expecting to see better gut health in general and over all health. I expect there to be change. ( though slightly discouraged cause mine has gradually gotten more sensitive. I will still press on. What else do I have to do?


I've had PMLE for about five years now, It first occurred when I moved to a different city. I also had a highly stressful job at a time. At first I was misdiagnosed with food allergies and regular acne, sadly it took me some time to realize that the only time my rash would appear was after a direct sun exposure. The rash always develops on the next day and after tormenting me for about 3 days it starts to go away on its own. It really helps to avoid sun between 10am and 3pm, and always apply sunscreen before I go outside(spf50). I do wear a hat (with a sun filter) during especially sunny and hot days. As per my doctor's recommendation I take vitamin D supplements from time to time. I prefer fish oil. And my whole skincare routine for combination skin is very gentle and extremely basic, for the night time:

1. hydrating cleanser or double cleanse (depends on how much makeup and sunscreen is on my face throughout the day)
2. moisturiser
3. a course of prescription Differin (never use if the rash is on, but on a regular day it highly improves the appearance of my skin)

and in the morning:

1. lukewarm water
2. moisturiser
(right after I was diagnosed with PMLE this is when I would use a course of topical azelaic acid cream, it helped me to fade out any scars. but I no longer need to use it)
3. I tend to apply sunscreen 10 mins before I go out to get the most out of it

I also do not get a rash from a light exposure indoors hence no sunscreen at home.
Prevention works for me the best and I haven't had a rash for about a year by now, very happy with the results.

Dear reader,
Keep in mind that it is just an outline of what helps me and please remember that everyone's skin and habits are different. Always consult a dermatologist to find what works for you. Hope you find it helpful.


I'm suffering I think from this now. I'm so depressed. I've let my yard go and I just can't imagine living this way. I have a rash on my arms. I think that I have the more sever sun urticarial. I have a general feeling of weakness and I used to be so active. I've been goin through this for 6 months. I need help to understand more.


Thank you for this informative video! I have very light skin with freckles and I’ve lived in Southern California all of my life. I have had so many skin issues in my 53 years (including skin cancer x5 both squamous cell, and basal cell) recently diagnosed with Grover’s disease, also sun allergy you talk about here. I have been told to start take Heliocare to help What are your thoughts about taking this supplement to help skin?


I have this but I don't get a rash or bumps. My face swells up later after sun exposure even from sun coming in the windows and my parotid glands swell. It's very painful and raises my blood pressure from my glands swelling and from imflamation. I also get pain in my temples.


I also have PMLE and have had it for years. Applying SPF does not help. Avoiding the sun does but it’s not realistic. One thing that helps is a lotion from a brand called Shirudo. I’m not sure why it helps but it has reduced my sun allergy tremendously.


Anyone have PMLE AND Celiac Disease? PMLE description matches my symptoms exactly. However, at the same time I started having symptoms, I also started having symptoms of Celiac Disease. Blood tests have come back positive.
