I Grew Peach Trees From Seed and this is what happened - Full Tutorial

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Today I'll be showing you a peach tree I grew from seed 8 years ago, and growing more peach trees from seed using several different methods, to see which method works the best. The video covers a 1 year long journey of harvesting, germinating and growing peach pits from start to finish. This will be the second generation of peaches I've grown from seed, from these beautiful red flesh 'sanguine' peaches which are an heirloom peach variety great for home orchards and gardens.

Peaches are a great fruit to grow from seed because in most cases the fruit will come true to the parent tree, giving you a high quality harvest. It only takes around 3 -4 years to start harvesting your own peaches which is reasonably fast for seed grown fruit trees. I think it's that extra bit satisfying too if you grew the peach trees from seed yourself!

Today we'll learn about the anatomy of the seeds, how to stratify peach seeds to get them to germinate, as well as some mistakes to avoid. We'll also cover questions like - how long does it take for peach trees to fruit from seed, why won't peach seeds germinate, do peaches grow true to type, how to select the best peach seeds to grow, can you skip stratification for germinating peach pits, and how to plant peach trees in your garden, orchard or food forest.

I hope you enjoy and I welcome you to Subscribe and join this awesome community!


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Research paper regarding effects of stratification and mechanical treatments of peach seeds:
Szymajda, Marek, et al. "Stratification period combined with mechanical treatments increase Prunus persica and Prunus armeniaca seed germination." Dendrobiology 81 (2019). - Paste this into Google scholar to download PDF


Books I've enjoyed and found helpful:

Grafting and Budding: A Practical Guide for Fruit and Nut Plants and Ornamentals

Hey, my name is Kalem, and this channel features all sorts of unusual and exotic fruiting plants with tips of how to successfully grow them. I'm interested in all things gardening and love growing my own food and all types of edible plants.
I live on a 2 acre piece of land in New Zealand where we are turning a grass paddock into and abundant, edible paradise! So come along on this journey with me as I experiment with growing, and try to push the limits of what I can grow in my area. I'll share with you my successes and failures so hopefully you'll learn from them and have a go yourself! Come learn with me and Subscribe to join this awesome community :)

0:00 7 year old Peach tree grown from seed
0:53 Tasting the peaches
1:58 Things to know about the seeds
3:31 Can you skip Winter chilling the seeds?
4:36 2 methods of planting the seeds
5:25 6 month after sowing seeds - Early Spring
5:39 Mid-Spring update
6:15 Planting Peach tree in the garden - Late Spring
6:54 Late Summer Update & Results
8:00 2.5 year old peach tree fruiting
9:26 8 year old peach tree fruiting :)

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Thanks heaps for watching - I hope you found it useful or interesting in some way. Feel free to share the video with a friend who might also enjoy it :). Hope to see you in the next one! 🌱


I was weeding my compost pile one spring and came across a "weird weed". When I plucked it I noticed peach pit halves fell away. Thats when I realized what it really was and so I transplanted it. Surprisingly it thrived and provide some of the best peaches we have.


FINALLY someone who actually shows an update from seed to tree in the same video!


I wish someone had explained this to me when I was at school, I must have planted a hundred pits in the summer and none grew, I should have put them in soil and then in the cooler...who knew!! now, I want to try this again!


So glad to see someone advocating for growing from seed. Some gardeners are so impatient, wanting fruit from a tree they just put in the ground. So impatient that they claim it's impossible to grow any fruit from seed, even though that's how people have been getting fruit for most of history. Even with those that don't breed true to type, sometimes there's excitement in seeing what comes out. If the fruit isn't tasty, then you have rootstock to graft onto, so there's really no loss in my eyes. Plus the joy of watching your babies grow


My parents had a small peach orchid. Seemingly all the peaches ripened at once. My Mom would can most of them, and we kids would be very busy peeling peaches. My Mom didn’t let the peels go to waste. She boil them and make a peach soup which she’d chill before serving. This soup was amazingly refreshing on a hot summer day!


When eating peaches/nectarines I've always thrown the pits into my yard, two years ago a baby nectarine tree popped up. Just a couple days ago it grew its first flower. This has gotten me excited to try and grow some on purpose, thanks for the great information on how to do so!


Man, what I love most about your videos is showing the progress in one video. You plan your videos so well, my guy. I think I may just drop some seeds in a pot and hope for a decent winter here in south aussie.


The patience this man had in making this video is amazing!


I’ve been trying to grow peaches for 4 years now, but this video has given me so much more knowledge about planting them that I didn’t know


I grew up in house with about 8 peach trees, all grown from seed. The peach you called "large" was smaller than the smallest ones produced by all the trees. Some of them we so big and so juicy that you needed to use both hands to pick them if you wanted to do so safely. They produced so many that the neighbors got all they needed and the freezer was filled each season.


Your videos are so fun to watch and so informative too! Thank you for the time and effort you put into these videos!~ They always come out awesome!!


My peach tree grown from seed took 2 years for my first flowers with zero fruit and then year 4 it fully fruited and then they all fell off. Year 5 was full fruit again and 80% held but then the birds and fruit bats discovered them and ate them all. Years 6 (2021-2022) was a repeat of year 5. I’m reserved to the fact that my peach tree is there for the birds and bats living around me.


I actually crack open the shell, place in water in the fridge for 24 hours, then peel the seed coat. This allows them to germinate in about 4-6 days. I've done this soon after harvesting and the trees survived the winter. I live in Ohio, so this is pretty astonishing. Also, I get about 90 percent germination.


I got a peach tree from a seed that sat in a compost heap over winter.
It's growing very fast, about 2 metres in 2 years.


If you want to plant peach or nectarine seeds, make sure that they are not pollinated by almond (resulting a dry fruit like almonds, used mostly as rootstock or for back-crossing), because this is possible, and sometimes apricots and plums.
Also, since you want to grow from seeds, you may want to delve into cross-pollinating different cultivars you liked, to see the interesting results.


Ive watched some of your videos and i must say, compared to others people's videos I've seen yours are simple and very detailed


Your videos are awesome! The side by side comparisons of how to sprout things is really helpful. It takes a long time to make a video like this.


These video's never disappoint!

I recently moved from my parents house to my own, and my entire garden is now filled with edible plants/fruit trees. There's just something so satisfying about growing something you can eat!


Since my back started acting up, I just lay my veggie/fruit kitchen scraps on top of the soil and cover everything up with the used mulch from my duck house. Every year I get quite a few nectarine, peach and apricot seedlings. I usually pot them up and give them away. I failed to pull one up one year, and it has now grown into a very healthy and happy tree which is now flowering and fruiting well. I personally think that seed grown peaches are stronger and healthier than trees purchased from the nursery.

Regarding peanuts, squirrels are great allies in establishing peanut plants. They seem to know the perfect depth for burying the peanuts and the plants that come from nuts sown by the squirrels seem to be exceptionally healthy.
